chapter 33

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Chapter 33- the truth

(Y/N) pov

After i told Ranpo about oda he felt pitty "Oh? Oh... I'm very sorry to hear that. I... see."  for a second, his face seems to soften, a look of concern across his face, but then he quickly returns to his usual self.

"Well, that's alright! We can still find the truth without him! The truth just got a bit more complicated, that's all! "

"I could try and read into the history but its so long" pluse i might collapse if i over use it.

Ranpo then nods at me "Yes, yes it's alright!
he leans back in his chair, thinking for a moment. Suddenly, he leans back forward.
"Actually, do you mind if I sit here with you? I'm quite curious, and honestly I have nothing else to do. "

"Oh sure" i then continues to read the time line and prayed. After a while i found something " i found that my freind took these pages out of an other book... and this book seamed to have the ability to make anything happen"

I then paued again "I think.... my ability... isint an ability i can only mimic this book lets me"

Ranpo perks up with excitement.
"That means that the ability in this book is very powerful, and that the book's pages might have power that hasn't even been touched yet! We must look further into this!"

I then continued to read the history of this book.... i then let out a sudden gasp.

Ranpo is looking closely at the pages, trying to figure out the truth. He then turns to me, waiting for me to say somthing
"What is it? what does it say? "

I felt as if the word came tumbling down. I feel that everything in my life was a lie

"This book.... created me" i paused for a second"It  says that.... dazai created me"

I then paused again..

"Because i died a long time ago"

Ranpo then looks at me "Dazai!? But how is that possible? I thought he was just a human- wait... What exactly did the notebook say about this? Could it have been a mistake, or, a false entry? "
he says, a lot of things seemingly going through his mind. He looks up at me, wanting to hear the truth, but not quite believing it yet.

I looked into the history more"It said that there a missing page.... dose dazai have it?" I questioned. Ranpo pauses to think, looking over at me.

He seemed to have taken on a new idea.
"Hm, well... If we found that page, then we could solve this mystery once and for all. It's hard telling what Dazai is hiding,"
He says, his voice sounding thoughtful.

"I guess... i have to ask dazai about this"

Then then went over to the room where my brother was"Dazai i need to ask you something" i tapped him on his shoulder.

Dazai pauses what he is doing and looks over at st me "Oh? Go ahead, what's up?"

I pointed to my note book "This book said you created me to be your sister after she died....why? " i saw his eye soften a little. He looks happy that i found out the truth.... but he also looks sad , he knows i have the right to the truth.

"I am I'm afraid that if I do... You wouldn't look at me the same way again..." what dose dazai mean by that?

"Look at you the same way?" I paused for a bit to think "Your not saying that.."

Dazai looks at you with a solemn expression "I'm afraid I am saying exactly that.... i did kill the real you"

620 words

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