chapter 31

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Chapter 31- getting close?

(F/N) pov

"Mmm there was one time i ran into a strange man... he said something very weird"

Ranpo then looked at me"Hmmm? Care to elaborate? Was this person unusual, or just a random man on the streets?

I then tried to remember what that man said "Well... he found me one day and he then called me an enigma.Then a few days later.. dazai said about finding the truth about me"

Ranpo the clicked his fingers "Ahhh I see... He called you an enigma, and shortly after that, dazai said he wished to uncover the truth about you? Hmmm... That definitely sounds suspicious..."

I then pulled out my note book and showed it to ranpo "I also have a feeling that its related to my note book" i then handed it over to him. He placed his glassed on his nose the he took a very good look at it.

" Hmmm. Oh my! You see, this notebook has the key to the truth for you! Your answer can be found inside!"

....what? "Inside? Its just full of abilitys i can mimic"

he then  leans forward, and smiles knowingly "You see dazais little sister, that's where you are wrong. You see, in here are all of the past abilities you have mimicked and copied. Each with a very specific detail hidden within each written text. If you were to piece all of the clues together, well- then you would have your answer." Ranpo then passed me back my book and when to sit back down.

I quickly stoped him "am sorry but i still font get it"

Ranpo then laughed "Oh my. I see I must explain better then!" he smiles softly kniwing that he gets his time to shine.

"All of the abilities written in this notebook have a specific and unique detail that can be used to uncover your true identity. It's a riddle to be solved! All you have to do is figure out the secrets hidden in each entry of your notebook."

"So... which ability would be the these will be useful then to help me?" I asked him.

Ranpo thought for a bit" Hmm.. That ability seems mysterious" he pointed at an ability that i dont recall seeing it before. Heck its not even my hand writing? "Copy it... it should be helpful"

"I guess it couldn't hurt"

I then read out

"Mimic by the book: the truth about everything"

Sudenly the world changed

Everything this and everyone had some kind of digital time like surrounding it. I could see when this table was made and what has hapnned to it. I could see ranpos tome line of events.

"Ranpo i can see your history"

"please dont get nosy (f/n)

"Oh right sorry" i looked over to the book to veiw its time line "Huh.... theres nothing about who altered it... as if they where a ghost or someone"

Ranpo leans over and looked over the notebook timeline with me.
"Hmmm, no information about who altered How odd! It's like there was a 'cut in time', and the information from one point to another was completely erased! It's a mystery within the mystery... Hmmm."
He paused for a bit  thinking for a moment,

"Do you have any suspicions,  Did you have any weird encounters recently that could indicate who is responsible for this?" He asked me.

I thoughg about the words he said "Erased?.....Wait a minute... dazai had this for a bit. Mabye because of his ability it doesn't show up"

God damn it dazai!

600 words

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