chapter 22

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Chapter 22- knock knock

(F/N) pov

once dazai left i started to curl up into a ball and cried on the couch... i hate this so much. Theres no point trying to leave... dazai will know, he allways dose. Hes like a mother owl watching her chicks and only leaves to get food and returns after she senses trouble.

After a few hours pass the  loneliness sets in more... i can only hope someone will just appear. Like a princess waiting for their lover to find them.

After some time, i heared knock at the door
"Hello, is anyone home? Hey." An unknown voice can be heard and then i  remembered dazai locked because of the Port Mafia's attacks.

But Who could be knocking on the door? And why? I start to grow worred... i slowly walked over to the door.

The unknown voice sounds concerned now "Hello!? Is anyone in there?" The voice sounds a bit more urgent now and it seems like they're getting a little anxious. I am still not sure why they're knocking in the first place but they seem like they want to make sure if there is anyone inside of the apartment.

"... y-yes someone is here... who is this?" I finaly responded.

The voice doesn't immediately respond to her but i  coulf hear them walk around for a bit. "Okay, you're probably asking yourself why the hell I'm knocking on your door and why I'm here so I'll explain. " I heared another unknown person voice from outside the door. So theres more then one?

"So, to put it simply, we're investigators and we're looking for someone. You probably don't know them but we just need to ask you a few questions."

"... who is this person your looking for?" I asked them still keeping the door closed.

"Oh well, it's a little complicated, we're looking for a criminal who is involved with the Port mafia. We just need to ask you a few questions because we heard reports that he might be inside this apartment."

The second person sounds more confident as he talks "We won't hurt you or anything like that, we just need to ask a few questions. Can we come inside?"

I felt my heart beat faster.
they are looking for a criminal working with the port mafia ?
But me and dazai where once in the mafia...

I gotta stay calm and think
"I err... you got a permit? Am not letting you in unless you have one"

The first investigator sounds slightly surprised by her response

"Uh well, we don't have a permit as of now but we did file a report to the police department. We do have our ID and we can show those to you if you need."

The second investigator seems to lean closer to the door. "Ma'am, we mean no harm. We just want to ask you some questions about a specific individual. Can you just let us inside the apartment?" He says this in a soft and calming tone.

Shit what do i do now? Am so doomed!

515 words

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