chapter 30

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Chapter 30- retry

(Y/N) pov


"(Y/N)!" She wasted no time and ran straight towards me and gave me a hug! Oh my she has grown so much "oh my god high gin you have grown so much how have you been"

"Oh its been so different without you and dazai!" Gin finaly let go of me "aktugawa has been a bit more moody then usually,  chuuyas been ... well hes not realy change but am so glad to see you" gin's eyes sparkled slightly.

We talked for a little bit and she offered to help me look around a bit more. But adventualy we both agreed there is nothing here in the mafia that could help.

What an disappointment

"Well thank you gin for helping me"

"No problem! We should hang out at somepoint" gin then waved good buy and left. She has definitely grown up as  stronger girl.

Now am back to square one... perhaps i went too far back. I look down at my note book and relized somthing... how did i get this note book? If fyodor had the cover of it did it come from him?

No it shouldn't of right? Dazai seamed not to like that man so if it was from him he would of gotten rid of it ages ago. Mmmm oh i know! Ranpo!

Of course how could i of not thought of that first! Am so dumb... i just hope he's no busy.

It took me a while but i managed to reach the ADA "Ranpo i need your help" i rushed in towards ranpo who was sittingon his desk "oh sorry was i interrupt you?" I stoped half way in the room.

Ranpo too his feet off his desk. He was currently eating a lollipop and had rubbish/trash cluttering  all over his desk. "Hmm? Oh- It's alright don't worry about it. You see, I'm the greatest detective, so I can work from anywhere! " he says, sounding quite pleased with himself. Classic ranpo

He then turns his full attention to me
"Hmmm.. What do you need my help" he stud up and walked towards me.

"So err... i needed help with something that i think that would help me with this 'truth' about me that dazai said" i paused for i bit to breath since i was just spilling out information "i was wondering if you could help me"

Ranpo looked at me and started to think           "Hmmm?! I see! You wish to know the truth, and are requesting my assistance! The greatest detective to ever roam the Earth!"

He smiles and giggle "Well please, allow me to be of use to you! It would be my honor to help you."

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