Review: 4-Lined Aesthestics

28 5 1

Reviewer: _sweet_sunshine32

Author of the book: tanishka_180


4-Lined Aesthetics. It was quite apt since all the poems are just 4 lines.


The cover is absolutely beautiful.  It feels so serene and peaceful that I fell in love with it. Great work with the cover.


Short but cute especially with the different fronts.


Your poems are really beautiful and seem to convey a deep meaning even though they're short. Overall very motivating.

Writing style:

Very beautiful,  calm and sweet. I mostly loved the cover for each chapter.  They are so perfect and apt for the poem.


It is good.

Vocabulary :

Overall it is okay.


1.1k views that is really good. Try to engage with others and invite them to read your work. This would boost it.

Overall :

Very sweet and inspiring. Shows the bitter truth of this world in fewer words.


The copyright and introduction are written in each chapter in bold and written in separate lines, which actually was more eye-catching than the poem lines that were written in simple front. So, in the further chapters, maybe you can try to make the poem lines bold so that the first impression goes there.

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