Review: Foreign exchange

31 4 3

Reviewer: Minooiii

Author of the book: xlavarockz


The title is also a good choice for the story.


It's lovely and I liked it.


First, Jax: I like how you started the story with a Male lead of the story instead of a Female lead, that's new and I liked it...

Also, his personality seems fun. And I felt that you wanted to put a background for him, explaining why he's a playboy and I think that would be a good idea if you do that!

Second, Arlie: I want to more about her, she seems like a tough girl, hard to get, so I like her.

Next, Rylen and Cooper: who I assume are the second couple and they have the chemistry, so I liked that.


Your plot is a romantic comedy, judging by your tags and also the hilarious moments of the story.

A foreign girl with a cute accent, entering a new school and she'll be getting caught in the hands of a handsome playboy. So I liked the idea...

And I believe you wrote the story pretty well so far...

The thing that you added a bit of drama in it, is also great.

Your chapters are long enough and well described so there's nothing to say, except well done ✔️

Grammar and vocabulary:

They were also good, but I saw I guess a few errors like one or two, which you can edit with a second check.


Overall it was fun to read, Overalling at all, I believe you did a good job with your story.


I noticed that you didn't respond to your comments, make sure to reply them and interact with your audiences, also it can help to raising your story's rate.

And make sure to promote your story by suggesting them into their private messages or follow other people, make friends and read their works and then they'll read your works.

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