Review: A Memory of Starfires

37 6 15

Reviewer: Minooiii

Author of the book: Aravis-Brightspell


I liked the title, sounds interesting.


About the cover, It's good, but I assume you can come up with a more attractive one to represent your story more since your story is a fantasy romance, you can use both elements in your cover to show the audience that it has romance in it?!...

I hope I'd been able to transfer my point here~...


I believe you can add a bit more details to your blurb to catch audience curiosity, something Like this suggestion:

*"Nothing is what it seems here, everything has their own hidden secrets/or aspects...

This old estate, and my employer, or even the new transfered student at my school!"

That's what Kari thought, a high-school girl, who has finally got a part time job that she liked as a gardener at the newly restored Elburke Mansion.

"I finally found you..."

That's what the first thought came into Taren's mind, the new transfered student, as he met Kari...

Let's see what will be happen between these two in this fantasy romance novel!...*


First, Kari, I really like her! She's a sweet and kind girl. So I was indeed attracted to her character.

Second, Taren, He's also such a cute and attractive boy, and kind of charismatic.

You indeed described your characters pretty well which I was amazed!


A Japanese fantasy love story, a boy with anime looks and a kind pretty girl who likes gardening, so it's definitely worth to read!

And I liked the way you explained everything enough and so clear.

The way you wrote it's so smooth, understandable, and entertaining...

So I should say your plot was indeed perfect!

Grammar and vocabulary:

Your words choices and grammar were also good. So there wasn't anything lack in it.


I should say your story was fun to read, everything seemed sane and logical in there which is a hard thing to do in a fantasy novel!

You've done really well honestly and I'm looking forward to the rest of your story!


1.I noticed that your first chapters were a bit shorter than the rest which I wished that it was a bit longer.

2.Find anime fans on Wattpad and message them privately to promote your story to them.

3. Also you can join book clubs here.

Your story was perfect so I think you'll gain your audience by time. Just keep going!

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