Review: The Secret of Prom Night

34 6 3

Reviewer: Br0ken_Author

Author of the book: MeadowSterling


The title is very cool. It feels like something you would name a tv show, so it is definitely an interesting title. If I was a reader skimming over books to read, it would really hook me in to read more. 


The picture used for the cover is beautiful. I love the woman's outfit design as well as her accessories and the fonts used for the title fit the genre of this story. It looks neat and professional.  However, like some other advice, I have given some of the text may be hard to read like the tiny sentence above the word " Secret " and I had to zoom into the book cover to read the quote. I suggest bringing down the title a little down so that way you can increase the size of the quote. " I'm the monster you created " is the quote for anyone wondering ^^


At first, I was worried that it would fall into romance cliches since a lot of novels out there, unfortunately, fall under a stereotype or cliche but when it got to the second paragraph I was shocked by the twist. I wasn't even reading the book yet and it hit me with a twist. It hooked me into the true plot of the story and I was intrigued to read the chapters.


It was very interesting and although it wasn't my cup of tea, I know many others would enjoy some of the twists. One of the things that I DID like however was after each chapter the author would leave questions to make you dive deeper into the plot. Interacting with your readers is extremely important and so seeing that and also getting involved in the mysterious plot was really cool. Again, it's not my cup of tea but it is really cool for anyone who is looking for a bit of murder mystery.

Characterization/Character development :

Okay, so every character was even cooler. However, at first, I did not like Athena's character because it felt like the author was trying to force a cold-blooded ego onto someone who didn't match it. For those twists to work, you have to be able to gradually show just how terrible the Character actually is by making the dialogue neutral sounding which basically means you can take the dialogue as something heartwarming or unempathetic. It was still cool to see Athena's inner dialogue but a lot of times it still felt forced. Maybe it was intended to be that way but if the author wants to have a smoother character development then I will suggest making neutral dialogue, having moments where someone says something that most would empathize with them but Athena seems emotionless or shows acts of small violence to her peers since it would fit the plot and the question of if she actually murdered or not. The rest of the characters were fine though.


No problems with any of that. Good usage of words.

Overall :

I genuinely like the book and I think it is right up to many people's ally. Just follow some of the things that I mentioned and it would make the story flow even better. 

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