Review: Down In The Dumps

29 4 2

Reviewer: Bluelovesleep

Author of the book: Yagya_SskY


Very good title, and I think it fits the story well.


Great cover. I love everything about it, it's completely unlike some romance covers that feel too empty or too crowded, it's great in between. 


Well-written, it explains everything the readers need to know before they can dive into the story.


The plot is amazing! It's so well thought-out and very creative. I'm not a fan of most romance stories but this one is very different from what one would normally expect. I never expected to find a story in which the MC would get some sort of second chance in a different body, great idea!


The characters are great. They felt very distinct from one another.

Writing style:

Very good. The writing style was easy to comprehend and descriptive enough. I especially loved the comparisons you have chosen.


It was great and I have nothing to point out.


Good, as I mentioned before,  it was easy and engaging to read and the choices you made to tell this story were amazing.


Very engaging for sure! I'm not a romance reader in general, but the little mystery that the MC finds herself in was enough to keep me hooked.


Great book and I would recommend it to everyone. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2023 ⏰

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