Review: A blade of dead poems

20 5 0

Reviewer: Minooiii

Author of the book: CubistPerson


The title is perfectly chosen.


I like your cover, and it shows all the things that are needed to gain audience's attention.

Blurb: Your blurb is summarised and pointed the most important part of your story, so I believe it was good.


Your main character, Andy is really well described and I could've empathize with him through the story, he's pure, smart and moody sometimes which was understandable since his brother is in a coma.

The second one, Joshua, he's mysterious and I want to know more about him, but it gives me a good vibe despite the bad things he had done.

He was the prime suspect in Andy's thoughts, however I hope he's not a psycho :(((...

The way you described your characters was pretty good since they give a real persons vibe!


Your plot is a mysterious and thriller genre, about finding out who is the killer of those students and what's the secret behind that, so it is indeed interesting to read.

You were able to keep the thrill and triggering the curiosity in audience's mind through your chapters, so I should say you've done a great job on that.

I like how this story seems real!

Also those poems are great!

I just loved those poems!


I was indeed engaged with this story, and I can't wait for upcoming chapters...

Grammar and vocabulary:

Your Grammar and vocabularies were also fine, but I noticed a few typos and mistakes on the first chapters and also on chapters number 7 and 11, which was "Themself should change to themselves."

And "Darkistartist should change to darkestartist."


1. Your first chapters were a bit short in my opinion, but the rest of it were okay. I'd like to suggest you that have a goal word counts for your chapters to keep them even...

Like keep your chapters between 2000 up to 2200 words...

I just gave you an example, you can choose

the range yourself. :)

2. Some parts needed a bit edit and second check, for example "the first kissing scene" because your style on that parts seemed had gotten messy unintentionally, maybe it was the Wattpad error or something.

3. Find friends who likes the thriller and mysterious genre, read their books and promote your work to them, so you guys can exchange ideas and improve together.

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