Review: Some days are like that

25 5 3

Reviewer: melodic_studios

Author of the book: Yellow_nelo


The title perfectly describes the main plot seen in the blurb and from what I read throughout. I also like the fact that the check mark was added to show it was complete. All in all, I really like the title.


When I say it's angelic, I'm not exaggerating. The image used for the cover is beautiful and I love the diversity in colour and skin tone there was. I love diverse stories, so seeing a book with diversity shown on the cover is awesome.  I also like the font used for the title, but it can be difficult to read since it is overlapped with the white cloud-like shape. I suggest doing a black outline around the white title using Canvas so that way it pops out and is visible to the readers.


The typical point-of-view used in a blurb is the first or third-person respectfully, but instead, the author portrayed a second-person point-of-view which I think is unique.  It helps set a tone and really captures you in the tiny glimpse you see in the character or should I say you. I also like the bit of the plot shown. The only thing I would change is perhaps not to say too much. Instead of listing how the character dressed, simply say, "You'll call your best and only friend for comfort, but her phone was down. You tried to call only for a ringtone to forever echo. You knew there was a time you guys would split ways, but why now?"
And for the shop part, say " You decide to finally enter the real world again after staying indoors for a few days, only to get a call from your mother that the shop you worked so hard for had now perished in a disastrous fire"


The plot is awesome! It is sad and it made my emotions fluctuate, but it is amazing! It is to reality.


The characters were great! The author did an amazing job bringing the characters to life and bringing in-depth Amara's development and main objective.

Writing style:

The usage of different POVs is unique for a short story/ realistic fiction and again, it really pulls  into the Character Development.


Nothing bad. All good!


The usage of words was spectacular. Good job.


I really liked it and I can't wait for more books by the author, but the chapters were pretty long.


It's an underrated work of art.


Work a little bit on the cover and the blurb with it's usage of the plot and it'll be good to go.

( I am extremely sorry for the delay 😓 )

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