Review: The Darkest Adoration

36 4 11

Reviewer: Minooiii

Author of the book: DestinaWrites


I love this title!


I like your cover and it's good, however I'd attracted to it as an audience more if it was a bit romantic and had a dark thrilling vibe more~...

Like if they were two person in it with bloody things...


Is well explained, without any flaws...


1/ Layla or Luna, her character is lovely and smart. She's a kindhearted girl looking for a special romantic relationship, so I could really relate to her personality.

2/ Mikhael or Mika, I really like him! He seems really attractive and as a reader I could sympathise with him.

Luna and Mika, I can say they have the best chemistry together! I really enjoyed how you were able to make them dynamic!

They're just matchmade in heaven. Lol.


The plot is new and completely fun to read as a thriller story!

A serial killer with his dark past doing his murders and an innocent girl who was just literally living her life in peace and then "boom"... everything changed!

It's perfect!

I like how wrote this mysterious with so many plot twists and backgrounds!

This means you worked and thought on this story really hard and your effort is appreciative!


I've enjoyed reading this story, and there wasn't even a parr to make me bored or

something so I can say your work can engage people!

Grammar and vocabulary:

Your vocabulary choices were also good.

Your sentences were mostly well described.

But there was a few errors through some parts which could be more better grammatically.

For example in chapter 2, "My hair were a darker shade and my hair were wavy."

You don't have to repeat "my hair were".


1. Join in contests or book clubs on Wattpad

2. Make more specific hashtags

3. Promote your story by DM to other profiles.

4. Don't get disheartened, or lose your hope, since your story is good, I'm sure it'll gain its fans by passing time.

5. Have a regular schedule for publishing.

6. In the end, just keep going!

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