Review: Volume Of Unvoiced Verses

29 5 2

Reviewer: melodic_daze

Author of the book: Asmita9321


At first,  I was confused by the title, but once I read the poetry, I realized the true meaning behind it. Even before I read the poems though, the title is very eye-catching and considering I like pessimistic titles, this immediately caught my attention.


The cover is GORGEOUS! I love the picture used as the background.  It has so many vibrant colours that make it look fine at first glance, but the deeper behind it is pretty cool. I also love the fact that I could see the title and author's name.  HOWEVER, the quote on the top is VERY
Difficult to read.


The tiny quote used was cool, and it is eye-catching for poetry lovers. I also love the fact that the author states WHEN they will update again. A lot of authors ( such as myself ) don't have a deadline to write things so this helps the author gain more views and keep the readers hooked.

Writing style:

It is beautiful, but it mimics her inspiration a little too much in SOME poems. I still love it though and I like how every poem has a " different story, same meaning " type of feel.


No words. Stunning.

Vocabulary :

This person is an Oxford dictionary with all of the unique words I heard, haha. The wording was awesome and everything seemed to roll off my tongue.

Engagement :

It was very fun to read the poems and I didn't get bored.


This an amazing poetry book and extremely underrated. The only this I suggest is to make some tiny adjustments to the cover and it would be pure gold.

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