Six - Trinette

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Holy shit this is good!

i wolfed the croissant down before hearing a voice

"What have I said!? Stop eating that, you'll get fat" the voice - Williams voice - snarled, causing me to whip my head around to the spot where I thought he was and there was nothing there, just my fucked up brain.

Itching my arms once I finished the Croissant that Ryan kindly gave me with extreme difficulty, two strong arms belonging to him stopped me from scratching and I looked up to him with thankfulness.

I wanted to speak, i really really did. But when you've not been able to say a word without getting beaten you get scared. And i know these men wouldn't hurt me....the gun incident before I left was hard to come to terms with but it was nothing compared to what I've been through. And some of the men at Williams place had very loose lips.

My heart broke for my men. But also this morning I didn't miss how Milo kissed Ryan. Had they moved on from me with each other? Are they only being nice to me because of what I've been through?

Milo came into the kitchen and smiled at me. I wanted to give him a hug and Ryan wasn't letting go of my so I held my arms open to him and hoped he'd get the message. The smile that spread on his face as he rushed over and plucked me off of Ryan's lap. Holding me tight, he buried his head in the crook of my neck and...

Did he just sniff me?

"I missed you so much. So so so much, trinket." He muttered as he held me close and tight. I opened my mouth.

Come on Trinny, you can talk. It's safe

I tried to convince myself but it didn't work.

I winced as he adjusted me in his arms, the already bad pain which I was hiding getting worse. I didn't want to Worry them any more

"Sorry, where does it hurt? Are you okay? What did I do" Milo frantically asked as he noticed the expression on my face that I'd accidentally let slip out.

I shook my head, managing a small smile and he nodded before taking me to the living room where everyone was. He sat between Liam and Oliver who both smiled at me before going back to their previous eye positions.

No one spoke to me, but it was quite loud with the gift exchanges and thank you's, and I was beginning to get a little overwhelmed. Oliver's mamma came over to me after a little bit and wanted me to come with her so she could properly assess me in a medical capacity.

Anxiously, i followed her, not letting go of Milo. She took me to a room and i went in and sat on the bed. She took her time, explained everything that she was doing, and didn't force me to speak.

She deduced that nothing was physically broken, i was just bruised and cut up. So that's horrible.

It wasn't long until Oliver's mamma, Benedetta, gave us the run down. Apparently I'll go through withdrawal, and it'll be rough but she can help. She's going to get me medication to help manage it.

I've never been more grateful for help as I felt nauseous again. i put my hand over my mouth and Liam got a bin for me and held it up. I hate this. I hate William. I hate it all.

Bernadetta left us and Liam helped me to the shower. I hate being so weak.

"London and Aisley had their babies." He told me as he was updating me on everything that had happened since I was gone and I looked up at him with excitement. I hope I'm allowed to see them

"I'll ask if you can see them, but I'm not sure if it's good for you, in your current state" he informed me and I nodded. I felt angry

Angry at William. How could he do this to me? his own daughter? I thought parents were meant to love their kids unconditionally…

The shower finished and i sighed, nodding before allowing Liam to take me to the bed and pick clothes. He gave me a shirt - I assumed it was his - and some shorts which I assumed were from one of the other guys. I didn't like being away from any of their touches, i felt unsafe. As if I was going to be taken again.

I was starving, my stomach rumbled loudly and Liam smiled at me, giving me a cheek kiss before helping me up after I was dressed. I appreciate and love these guys so much. I appreciate how they haven't fully undressed when getting in the shower with me, I appreciate how they aren't forcing me to speak or anything. I love them so much.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as we were taken downstairs and I heard baby babbling and my heart filled up and I smiled. I kicked liam to try and get him to let me down but we went in a different room much to my disappointment.

"Wait here, I'll be a second" he kissed my forehead before trying to leave me alone in the room

Nope. Not being left alone.

I didn't let go of him only held on tighter. I know, I seem like a small child and whatever. But after what I've been through I'm not risking it. Not taking a chance. Someone could come whilst he's gone and hurt me.

He sighed and I immediately felt bad. Shit, I've only been back a little while and they're already sick of me. Immediately i let go and sat on the chair avoiding his eye contact. I don't fucking care how childish I seem - go through the same shit I've been through for the past fucking year and then you can speak.

"I'll be right back, stay here sweetheart" he told me and i was transported back to before all the shit hit the fan

He didn't seem aware that he had even sighed and that hurt.

I mean being told that the men you loved and thought loved you didn't care about you, they found you annoying, they think you're ugly, they don't care enough to look for you, they're only with you because you're easy and everything else every single day for the past however long takes it's toll on a person.

He left, and i felt alone, Unsafe, Scared.

What if someone breaks in and takes me?

It wasn't long until he came back and smiled.

"They said you can if you want, but the moment you feel unwell or not okay to tell us" he told me and put his arms out to help me out.

I threw him a weak smile before he tried to help me up but I swatted him away. I don't want to be a burden to him. I stood on my legs before walking slowly towards the room the noise was coming from. Liam walked behind me and i could tell he was trying to let me do it myself and I couldn't understand it. He sighs at me as if I'm a nuisance and burden but then wants to help?

It wasn't until I tripped and almost fell that he swooped me up and started to carry me to the room.

Posted 18.09.23

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