Twenty - James

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Liam left the table in a rush, confusing our girl in the process and Milo got up and immediately followed him

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Liam left the table in a rush, confusing our girl in the process and Milo got up and immediately followed him. He shouldn't be alone in that state.

Aisley took a silent Trins to the bathroom and they were there for a a while before they came back. She didn't look any better, on the verge of an attack

It wasn't long after that when Miles came back and informed us of Liam's decision to head home and Trinny's face fell further making my heart fall. Liam is working through his issues, but what he went through with Lorissa?

That shit stays with you.

The shit he went through in those following months and years were hard, and Trinny's 'death' broke him further... but he wouldn't speak to anyone about it.

It's not healthy, and he puts on front. We're all concerned about him but can't even show it because he'll get upset.

" you think I upset him?" Trinny asked quietly and the half-second of glances and hesitance between her question and our answer gave her time to answer her own question in the way she thought we would and sighed.


"It's okay." She shrugged and nodded "I understand, it's not a problem" she mumbled as the food arrived and we ate - she didn't eat, I could see she was struggling with something but waited - she'll tell us if she needs a moment...right?

Oliver was busy paying the bill and talking to the waiter when she came back as everyone needed to go back but we were going to stay a little longer, going on a walk through the city as per Trins obvious need for some fresh air. She didn't talk much, held my hand very loosely, and fidgeted with my fingers as we walked.

Ryan pulled her close to him, my hand still connected to her free one - I gave her my jacket to make sure she was warm when she started to shiver. I felt like something was off - but I couldn't put my finger on it....

On the way back, we passed a small group of drunken men, Ryan had gone ahead to the car, and Milo was attached to Oliver. The guys and I kept our eyes on them as our girl tensed, but it wasn't until they passed that there was a harsh slap sound and she froze up completely and I spotted one of the group drunkenly stumbling off whilst chuckling loudly.

Milo reacted almost immediately, and had the man in a tight hold as I lead our girl slightly away in an attempt to calm her down but she panicked further at my gentle grip on her lower arm and couldn't calm her breathing. She's going to pass out at this rate.

My heartbeat quickened with anxiety as I watched her, trying to calm her down.

"Trinette, breathe" Oliver attempted to help her as he breathed with her. When we had her calm enough we went to the car and got her home. She was fully on a high alert mode and very paranoid.


Milo had taken the ugly fucker to the warehouse William was at so we could deal with him later, and we were in the car. Trins was in the front passenger seat and blankly staring.

What kind of shithead thinks it's okay for him to put his hands on a woman? And we were with her too. Why didn't we stop them?

'we didn't see them'

I should've been more alert.

As we got closer to home she calmed down a little, but not enough for us to be okay with it.

"Baby?" I asked and she looked to me, swallowing her breaths forcefully

"We're here for you. We'll go upstairs, and go to see Liam aswell" I told her as we got our and got her up the stairs, she was completely off balance and couldn't get a full breath.
We got into Liam's room and he immediately picked up on our girls state. Turning the lamp on, he came over as we sat out girl down

"We were walking to the car and this fucker grabbed her ass. He's not getting away with it, don't worry." Oliver sighed as he enveloped Trinny into a hug in his arms. Liam nodded as he stood up and gave Oliver a quick peck on the cheek.

"I'll look after her, James can you stay?" Liam decided and I nodded, hopefully he'll open up to her and let her in. But first we have to just make her feel safe.

It wasn't long until the guys had all left and it was just me and Liam in the bathroom as we helped our girl and each other get ready for bed. A comfortable but heavy Silence enveloped us before it was broken

" that...that place...They would touch me and....Sorry if I overreacted, I just panicked that something more would happen to me...and i...i..." she randomly opened up, stumbling over her words as she tried to apologised to me before turning to Liam "And I'm sorry for playing with your rings. I shouldn't have done that." She told him and I met eyes with Liam who had put up a wall

"It's okay trins, it wasn't your fault. You've been through quite a traumatic event, we understand." I smiled gently as I was helping her get ready for bed.

"It's not your fault at all about the rings. I'll tell you what I can whilst on the plane tomorrow." Liam whispered gently to her as he washed her face with a soft towel

She nodded as she looked in the mirror before gagging and closing her eyes, not because she was tired, or unwell but because she didn't want to see herself anymore. she couldn't stand the sight of herself..

And that broke my heart.

I put the wig in a safe place and kissed her forehead before throwing off my clothes and getting into the bed alongside her, Liam climbed into bed next to me and held me close.

Eventually, the three of us drifted off into a calm sleep. And I couldn't help but wonder about everything... Our relationship, our future, our past, our everything.

Posted : 04.12.23

How are you all doing? I've got the ending for this book set in stone - there will possibly be 55 chapters, maybe 65? Not too sure but yea, I have a plan...

Thoughts, questions, comments etc --->

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