Seventy One - Artemis

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The dinner went well, Aly was super excited to go to college and Nathan got to try some new foods

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The dinner went well, Aly was super excited to go to college and Nathan got to try some new foods. Me, Nathan and a few of my older siblings were taking a little walk around the city

We walked toward an area which felt familiar, and when we passed the vet practice i knew why.

"Art! Oh my god!!" I heard a familiar voice yell and turned my head to see London speeding towards me. She was on her own for once, and stopped Infront of me, throwing her arms around me tightly.

"Hi! Oh my god! You've really popped!! We have to catch up, how long you in the city for? I haven't seen you since the wedding. He treating you okay?" She rushed out as my four brothers gave her a look of caution.

"I'm here for a few days. Aly's starting college soon and my family wanted to see me. What are you doing tomorrow?" I hugged her best I could with the beasts in my stomach.

"Im seeing my brother in the morning so how does lunch sound? There's this amazing place I found when I was pregnant that we can go." She suggested as we started walking. Nate had his hand round my waist

"Lunch is perfect, I'm sure Nathan will have someone to hang out with" I chuckled and he smiled

"Of course I will. If Emiliano is busy I've got nine other options. Little Luna is very sweet" he smiled and London gave him an appreciative look.

"Perfect. I'll swing by yours afterwards, text me your address" she kissed my cheek in appreciation before hugging me and bouncing off again

"She was excited" Matthias commented as we watched her head off, he was suspicious.

"She hasn't got many close girl friends, and I live like two days drive away." He nodded before we headed back to the car as my feet and mind got tired.

"Her brother is Ryan?" Evander asked from his seat "like the one we met?"


"Can we go and see them? I haven't seen him in a while, him and his friends were cool" he asked and I sighed

"Thanks, kid" Nate joked sarcastically as we drove back home

"You're fine" Evander sighed and I smiled at Nate, putting my hand on his.

We got home and Nate ended up carrying me up the stairs because I was so tired and my body was hurting. I think one of the babies had woken up, which meant they were both awake and starting to settle into their nighttime kicking routine.

"Darling, are you okay?" He pecked my forehead as he got my sleep clothing out of the suitcase

"I'm tired, but I need a shower. I feel so sweaty" I cringed as I gently sat on the end of the bed, my skin was feeling wrong and i was holding back tears of tiredness.

"Can I help?" He asked, his eyes full of love and want. This man is everything for me.

"You can try, but I literally weigh a ton." I grumbled as I put my hand where one of them kicked, the foot pushed back against my hand. "Hmph"

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