Welcome And Important Information!!!

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I've been so excited to share this book with you all since the end of Their Innocence (sorry not sorry for that cliffhanger though 🤭)

Just a note about trigger warnings, this book will contain many topics that may be extremely triggering for people, i will put a little warning above and below the bit which is triggering if it's just a small part of the chapter like this:

⚠️🚨TW: [Trigger]🚨⚠️


⚠️🚨TW: OVER🚨⚠️

And if the whole chapter is just a trigger fest I'll put


in the chapter heading. I will also include the relevant Trigger Warnings for the chapter on my board when I upload a chapter!

Here's a little key to the TW's:

Implied - Not Mentioned in a passing comment, but implied (e.g a character doesn't mention trauma but their actions do etc)

Breif Mentions - Not a specific scene written in Depth, but briefly mentioned (e.g implied R*pe, Passing Comments etc)

Mentions - Not a specific scene written in Depth, but talked about, either talked about in length (e.g. a character venting about a traumatic event)

Scene - explicitly mentioned and written (e.g a torture scene in action in the moment etc)

as I've mentioned many times on my board, due to personal life challenges and issues and events, I don't have as many chapters as I would have liked so I can't spoil you all 😩 life has literally been so crazy like huh?!

Chapters will be either once or twice a week depending on the amount I have in my chapter bank! Depending on that week's events I may spoil you, I may not - it's not personal but I'm desperately trying to create a healthier balance between personal life, writing, socialising, work etc and also trying not to let me Mental Health slip down the oil coated slide

I really want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I remember when I first started writing on this account, it feels like yesterday I was getting overexcited when I saw the read count go up by 100 reads in a week, and now the first book has 580,000 reads?! That's fuckin insane like wtf? I remember when it had 28 reads like how does this even happen? How does someone like me who posts a rough draft loosely based on a dream they had get over half a million reads??? Like??? Girlyyyy I'm so proud of myself.

It genuinely feels unreal, I love you all so much and I genuinely am so thankful. I've literally made some of my best friends through them reading my books!!! I love and appreciate every single one of you 🫶🫶🫶

I desperately hope you enjoy this book as much as I enjoy writing it!

I had to scrap 20+ chapters because it was literally doom and gloom - like what was I on? It was literally just more trauma 💀 like how? Why? None of it made sense so I started to re-write (am happy to share the original incomplete draft with y'all if you want because it's just pure trauma)

I definitely feel as though my writing has massively improved since book one - and I would definitely appreciate feedback on things - but please be nice about it. For instance

Don't comment like:

"[Spelling correction]"


"[Insult towards character]"

I'm too sensitive/fragile for that and the autism says "is this a personal attack?!"

If you must comment on something like that, please do it positively:

"Just reading through and noticed that you've spelt
[Correct spelling] as [Incorrect spelling] and wasn't sure if you were aware"

Or something idk 😭 you don't have to but my Brian hates me. Literally every time I see someone criticising a character or making a dry spelling mistake my brain goes:

But yea, and if you don't like something a character does, either say it respectfully or don't say it at all

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But yea, and if you don't like something a character does, either say it respectfully or don't say it at all.

I'm very emotionally attached to these characters - they invade my fucking DREAMS on the rare occasion I have one so that's unhealthy 🥰✌️

Anyway, I've rambled long enough now so I'll let you get on with reading - oh my god my body is vibrating with anxiety I hope you guys like this lmao 🥲

~Questions & Comments Before You Begin~

*The intense urge to do a face reveal but also don't want people I know to be reading my book and see my face and go "gasp ohmygod wtf" you know lmaoo*

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