Thirty Four - Trinette

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"You guys okay in here?" Liam and I nodded, I felt properly happy for the first time in a while

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"You guys okay in here?" Liam and I nodded, I felt properly happy for the first time in a while.

"Mhm, Calisto was just telling me about his school" I smiled to him. Turns out my brother was into his sports, and was planning to get drafted into the NHL after college. He's got scouts on his trail already. It was his last year in High School.

"I'm glad you're getting along. Did you want to come back to the living room? Everyone is in there - but no pressure, I'm not going to force you" He looked to me with concern which piqued Calisto's interest

"I'm...I think I'll be okay." I mumbled, getting up and heading out. I heard two of my newfound brothers talking in a different language, and looked anxiously to Liam who looked back to me and held my waist gently. His thumb moving up and down against my skin to comfort me.

I noticed that the younger boy attached to calistos leg was quite anxious. I don't think he'd spoken one word to anyone other than Calisto.

We entered the living room, which was full of everyone else. I smiled softly as I leaned closer into Liam and when he sat down I chose a spot on his lap.

"Hi" I looked to my left to see a little kid looking right at me with a big grin

"Oh..hi" I looked at him

"I'm Atlas. You're my sister" he told me brightly in a matter of fact tone and I smiled. He then squished me into a hug, smashing his face into my neck as my heart melted. I have a family, they love me. They're everything I was told they're not and I couldn't be happier.

"Hi, that I am" I managed through the lump in my throat. Liam held my hand softly when he noticed my expression. These might be the first happy-ish tears I've shed for a year. Albeit they're bittersweet, but they're mostly happy.

"You speak funny." The small child informed me as he crawled up onto me and sat down.

"I grew up in England, that's why. I have a different accent" I explained to him, which obviously confused him as he spent about fifteen minutes trying to teach me to speak in his accent, much to Oliver's amusement.

I noticed Ryan sitting stiff as a board as another child - who looked quite similar Atlas - climbed onto him. I noticed it was the child who wasn't saying a word to anyone who wasn't his family and smiled

"I'm a idenentical twin!" The child on my lap told me after he gave up on trying to teach me to speak in his accent, saying identical wrong and looking at me right in the eyes. He had the same green eyes as me.

"Do you want us to introduce you to everyone?" Eleni asked me and I nodded

do I call her my mum?

"Yes please" I felt my heart beating faster than it should be because of all the excitement I had within me. I was aware that I shouldn't suppress it, but sometimes shit stays with you for a long while.

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