Thirty Nine - Ryan

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"Nuvolino? Wake up" Oliver's voice filled my ears and grumbled, flipping over gripping the body I was clutching onto tighter

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"Nuvolino? Wake up" Oliver's voice filled my ears and grumbled, flipping over gripping the body I was clutching onto tighter

"C'mon stud muffin, you gotta wake up before we have to rip the covers off and you'll get cold." James voice filled my ears and I groaned. I'm not getting up.

"No. Vaffanculo" I muttered. I can't do it. I can't do this. I can't...

(No. Fuck off.)

"You have to. Liam, wake your ass up too." Milo's tense voice filled the space, I sighed and rolled out of the bed. My hair an absolute mess and my face looked worse.

It's been two months since she left and there's been no contact - I've not heard anything. None of us have. I've considered calling but I'm worried it'll set back any progress she has made.

So I haven't.

Today is the day that Liam and I take full ownership of the Mafia. Our Papa's are resigning, and we are the new Dons.

I sighed softly, getting into the shower, the shampoo and conditioner that Trins would use taunting me from their spot. I had to hold myself back from using them. It wouldn't help anything.

After my shower, I put my suit on and sighed in relief when  it fit. Thank fuck.

I combed and styled my hair before heading down the stairs, Trouble almost sent me flying when he came racing up the stairs to greet me halfway. I swear I love him, but sometimes I wonder if he's trying to get rid of me.

I couldn't be mad at him, he smiled up at me with wagging his tail so I instantly forgave him before heading off outside. I got in the driver's seat, we needed to get going. the guys all got into the car and I headed off. I broke me a little that Milo didn't even try to steal the radio. He'd sat right at the back, headphones on and eyes trained downwards.

The Donning was being held in the U.S so we didn't have to fly - thank fuck. But it still hurt...I didn't want to be don. I didn't want this, I don't want this...

We arrived at the venue, walking in and to our seats.

"You okay?" Liam whispered as he saw me putting up my façade and as I scanned the room

"I....yea" I replied back. If I say it enough times it'll be true. He nodded in response. He didn't want to do this either, we didn't want this but we have it.


Overall, the ceremony was mediocre. I was bored the entire time, except for James' many failed attempts to secretly seduce me. And now I'm lying alone in my bed - I decided to sleep on my own tonight, tired and lonely and the weight on the world on my shoulders, I was almost asleep - until a body slithered into bed with me, and a wet face rested in my neck, waking me up

"Miles?" I asked, he'd been reserved for these past months and hadn't been interacting much with us. He'd become a ghost in his own home - it sometimes felt like he was a ghost in his own body....

This was the first physical contact I've had from him...any of us have... since Trinette left

"You okay? What's going on?" My voice changed to one full of concern when he sniffled

"No. No I'm not. i dont want to talk about it. Just hold me?" he mumbled sadly and I obliged, he cried into my neck. Holding me tight until my phone rang. Here it comes, the responsibility I was born into. I ignored it until Milo spoke

"Answer it" he mumbled halfheartedly and I sighed. I don't want to.

"Ryan speaking" I sighed, whilst I listened to the other end I kissed Milos forehead before grumbling at the person on the other side

"I'll be there."


"Mrs Bertoli-Pavladi?" I asked, I rang her immediately once I had got back from sorting the problem and I needed to know if Trins was okay. I fucking miss her.

"Ryan? Please, Mrs Bertoli-Pavladi is a mouthful, call me Ginevra. How can I help, hm?" She asked and i sighed

"It's been two months....I just wanted to check in on Trinette" I asked hopefully...I desperately wanted her to get better for her sake.

"She's...uhm...." her voice wavered, shit...That's not a good sign.

"She's alright. Art? Do you want to speak to Ryan?" She asked and I heard some rustling

"Ryan?" There's that beautiful voice, from the beautiful girl I had the pleasure of calling mine....and hopefully will again soon.

"Hi, i... how are you? Are you getting better"

"We're thinking of admitting me to a psych hospital. They can support me better there" she didn't sound upset, but my heart skipped a beat. Psych hospital

"I had no idea it was this bad..."

"It's...yea. Being around my family has helped massively, but I'm not quite there yet. I'm sorry I haven't contacted you..." Fuck, I shouldn't have called - but I couldn't bear to say goodbye yet

"Please don't be sorry, you're busy. I get it." She reassured me, trouble came nosing up at me, shoving his wet nose right into my face. His wet sniffer was sniffing madly at the phone, making me smile before standing up

"Sorry - trouble obviously heard your voice. What...uhm what are the boundaries for discussing what me and the guys do?" I asked, wanting to share my news but not wanting to overstep or upset her. I just wanted to speak to her.


"How is everyone? Is there a reason you called?" She moved the conversation on, that's an obvious no.

"No...i just wanted to speak to you and check's been two months since we last spoke, Trine-"

"Ryan?" Ginevra had picked the phone up again and I sighed "sorry Ryan. She's struggling, her siblings help a lot. Basilio came in at that moment so she passed you to me. I know that wasn't what you wanted to say, I'll keep you updated though... okay?" She offered. Fuck.

"Thanks, I better go off now." I hummed a goodbye before hanging up and heading out into the garden.

A bench sat behind some of the tall bushes, perfect for me to be alone for a bit. I cleared my mind and sat there, watching the little bugs and animals going about their lives.

Closing my eyes I focused on my breathing, clearing my mind as I say there in the silence of nature

"Ryan?!" I heard a panicked voice call, snapping me out of my trance.

Shit. When did it get dark?!

"Ryan?!!" The voice grew more alarmed, and it took me longer than it should've to realised it was Liam. He sounded petrified

"I'm here! I'm sorry! Where- what?!" I blurted rushing to where the sound was coming from. He instantly relaxed when he caught sight of me and then ran into me. He almost knocked me over in the process

"I thought you'd ran! Don't do that" he softly scolded and I sighed

"I would never run. I just spoke to Trins and needed to breathe. I didn't realise it was getting dark" I admitted as I tried to breathe through his tight grip.

"Trins! How is she!?!?" He asked, leading me back into the house

"They're thinking of admitting her to a psych hospital or something...I'm not sure." I told him and he stopped

"She's that bad?" He looked to me

"Yeah...her mom will keep me updated provided trins is okay with that..."

"Shit....dinners ready" he mumbled as we headed back into the house in silence

Posted: 18.03.24

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