Fifty Nine - Nathaniel

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"Emi?" I called as I went to look for the teenager

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"Emi?" I called as I went to look for the teenager. I'd been told he liked books so I'd hoped my gift wasn't bad - I'd bought him a collection of books that Art said he had been wanting. The poor kid had looked miserable since we got here. "There you are" I smile as I walk into the large conservatory

"Oh, hi...uhh uncle....?" He wondered unsurely, causing me to smile

"Nate, Nathan, or anything you want to call me is fine, but you can drop the uncle - I'm not an uncle to you" I smiled, I wasn't going to explain the family names and technicalities to him.

"Mind if I sit?" I asked, earning a shrug as he curled back up with one of the books "you don't look too happy" I commented, wondering if he wanted to talk

"I'm not." He replied miserably. Poor kid.

"Want to talk about it-"

"I just don't understand" his voice was reduced to a whisper, but he cut me off as soon as I offered to listen "why does my brother get invited everywhere but not me? It's not fair. He always says we're a duo, but it doesn't feel that way" the pain in his voice isn't hard to spot.

"You feel abandoned by him?" He nodded

"We've always been close, he- he's always been by my side and protected me, he helped me make my friends, but since we moved up to School he's been abandoning me...all our friends followed him. He's popular and likeable - I'm just the weird quiet kid with no friends" quitely mumbling, a tear slips from his eye as he closes his book "And the worst part is he's off at a gathering for a friend's birthday - a friend who I thought was ours. I know he's having the time of his fucking life" he looked to me and I clenched my jaw. Poor kid. "I wasn't even on the fucking invite." The rage I felt for the poor guy was indescribable

"Where is the party?"

"No. I'm not going to embarrass myself like that" he whispered and I shook my head

"Me and your sister will take you out for the day on your own. If you wanted we could go past the party or avoid them" I tell him and he smiled

"Really?" His hopeful voice was hard to hear

"Yup, I'm sure Artemis wants to as well." I smile and he nods

"Thank you- I'll uhm...I'll get my shoes" he rushed off, leaving his book on the table. I made my way to the living room where Artemis was holding her little baby sister

Fuck, she looked like a natural with kids. The little baby was staring up at her in awe, and even giggling.

I'm getting baby fever...

"Hi Nate, you find him?" She asked, rocking the baby. God help me now.

"Mhm, we're taking him out."

"Oh! can you take Luna back? We're going to take Emil out." She handed off the baby before coming over and tucking herself into my side. Eleni - the blonde one of Arts moms - came over

"I'll give you some money-" she pulls out a purse

"No, it's alright. We're taking him out. We'll pay." I insisted and she sighed

"Thank you." She gave me a hug "welcome to the family" her voice whispered in my ear, making me smile as she pulled away just as Emiliano came running down the stairs with a big smile.

"Basilio?" He looked to the small child walking through to where we were. the kid signalled for me to get down to his level. I knelt down, sitting on my knees so I could be at his height

"Hi buddy" I smiled softly

"Hi" he whispered shyly, definitely an anxious kid. "I made you a pesent" he mumbled as he handed me a small drawing

"Thank you, it's very good" I looked at the drawing as he stood there awkwardly

"is you!" He whispered before toddling off. I smiled, tucking the photo into my wallet before standing up.

"Right, you ready?" I ask the smiling boy Infront of me, wrapping my arm around Artemis

"Mhm! Thank you so much for this Nathan" he grinned, I got my key out and went to the door

"I need to get my shoes on, I'll meet you at the car" Artemis told me, but shot me a glare when I went to kneel down and do her shoes for her...

"I'll be outside" I tell her, standing up and heading out

"I love your boyfriend, he's so cool" I hear her brother murmur excitedly to her - not meant for my ears - before coming to join me.

Once we were ready, we headed off to the shopping Mall. In the car on the way there, Emiliano was chatting away happily - a stark contrast to the boy he was in the house.

"Anywhere you want to go?" Artemis asked him and he shrugged

"Uhh, there's a new arcade that just opened up in the mall - they have a load of multi-player games as well as single players. I haven't had anyone to go with" he explained in the backseat, me and art shared a look

"We'll go there, I'll park up and meet up with you two. Just keep your location on" i smiled, driving along the roads as we all chatted. Apparently, the kid's a fuckin genius.

Parking up, I walked up to where the arcade would be and smiled when I saw the two of them racing on the motorbike game. I stood back, letting them finish before making my presence known.

"I won!" Artemis beamed as she made her way over to me, Emiliano just smiled as he headed over as well we played a few more games before stopping.

"anything you want to do in particular? Or should we walk around and see what's on offer?" I smiled at her little brother, who looked around

"We'll walk"

Posted: 21.06.2024

Reading this chapter before I post it was what I needed to raise my happiness levels today, I hope you're all having a good day or a better day now

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