Thirty Two - Trinette

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The Nurse had informed me of a time-frame for my STI results getting back to me

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The Nurse had informed me of a time-frame for my STI results getting back to me. I could thank the gods that all the pregnancy tests came back negative. I don't think I'd be able to handle that on top of this.

But now I was heading out to the woman, after promising Milo I'd come back. The other woman - Eleni - had told me the colour of the car and the last three letters of the number plate so I could go and find her wife - Ginevra.

I looked over the car park, before seeing her in a car and some music playing. I headed over and lightly rapped on the window, it took a few seconds before she turned off the music and opened up the window

"Hi...uhm...Milo told me that you were out here. And Eleni told me the Numberplate and car colour to look for. Are you okay?" I asked her, concerned for the stranger

"Mhm, I'm sorry Art, I just-" she started to explain, that name again! Why is it so familiar? Why do I recognise it? Why is she calling me that?

"Who? Who is Art? Who is Artemis?" I asked before continuing "I recognise the name....when you say it, I recognise it. But I can't place it." I explained and she sighed

"I don't expect you to know or remember me, William probably left my name out of his dirty mouth when he was undoubtedly spewing complete and utter shit about me" she looked to me. William - how does she know him?

"How do you know my fath-" I cut her off, speaking the word father like it was poison, because it truly was

"He's not your father." She blurted and time froze. It all fell into place, and it took a few minutes to regain control of myself a few small tears ran down my face, and I just wanted to wipe them away.

"Mum?" I asked. Begging for it not to be true. I can't. I can't have had a mother - she wasn't there! And William isn't my father? How? Why?

She sat there in silence, looking guilty at she looked to her fingers. And I finally saw it. She was a carbon copy of me, if I had longer hair and was older

I didn't know what to say, I felt frozen on the spot.

"Artemis is your birth name. The name I gave you. She's the Goddess of the hunt, the wilderness, wild animals, nature, vegetation, and protector of children. I hoped it would give you strength and kindness - and he....I'm sorry" she explained and i could hear the heartache in her voice as tears fell from her closed eyes

"Why?" I whispered, needing to know why she left me with him if she knew he was so bad. "Why did you leave me?"


"I didn't want to. I had no choice!" She cried

"But you did. Why" I begged to know and she looked down

"He made me. I didn't have a choice. I'm sorry" her voice was quiet and I felt guilty when the words processed.

"You're really- I mean are-" I fumbled over my words before jumping out of my skin when two rough hands landed on my waist.

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