Seventeen - Trinette

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I was whisked away by Aurora as she pulled me upstairs and into a room

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I was whisked away by Aurora as she pulled me upstairs and into a room. With a big smile she went into a door and came back out a short while later with lots of items. Wigs, Clothes, Dresses, Shoes. I smiled at her as she smiled back

"Look, Dear, I want you to be comfortable and happy in your skin, you make my boy happy which means alot to me, and I've picked up on your emotions since you arrived. You're completely different to when we first met and I want to help bring that confident young woman back, is that okay?" She asked softly and I smiled

"I'd…I'd love that...what wigs do you have? you think I could keep one?" I asked softly as I felt my badly buzzed hair and my eyes stung with tears

"Oh darling of course you can.. let's fix that poor excuse of a 'haircut' first though, hmm?" She offered and I smiled. Thankful for her kindness. She sat me down in the bathroom so I could see myself in the mirror, I chose to close my eyes, before getting some men's clippers out. She saw me tensed and immediately swapped to scissors as she stood behind me, I breathed in and out as she helped to fix it. And when she was done I felt a little better, before she then came over with a selection of wigs

"What colour would you like?" She asked and I looked at them all before deciding on the one similar to what my hair was before and she got to work attaching and styling it

She then proceeded to get a load of dresses and asked me to pick, so I picked a baby blue cocktail dress which had a waistline, but wouldn't show my hips or thighs - both of which have become even bigger insecurities. I felt the beginning of being overwhelmed with the thought of all of us going out to dinner...

I picked some black heeled shoes to go with the outfit and Aurora selected out a small bag and cardigan for me before she sat down and did my makeup.

I avoided the mirror, not ready to see myself. But she assured me that I looked beautiful.

It wasn't long before she was done and we headed down the steps, but of course James's mum had to do a grand entrance, she did a fake fanfare as she pretended to play a trumpet before introducing me.

"Boys, fuckin watch" she scolded as they weren't looking at her, making me laugh gently before grabbing my hand gently and allowing me to start heading down the stairs to my men. I wasn't focused on the other people until a little voice piped up

"How did your hair grow so quickly?!" Carissa gasped as she came over and Ryan picked her up

"It's a wig. Fake" i explained softly and she nodded.

"Papì told me once that when Zio James and Zio Ryan were younger they used to wear those wigs and steal Nonna's shoes and dresses!! Papì do you have a photo?" She asked as the two men in question shot Amadeo a death glare. I burst out laughing as confirmation of such events came from multiple people, which shocked me. I'd not laughed that loudly and hard in a long while

Amadeo showed me a photo of the two men as eleven year olds all dressed up to the nines and looking fabulous.

"Oh they look so pretty don't they Carissa" I smiled to her and she nodded

"Mhm!" She laughed

"Alright down you go. We have to get to the reservation. Me and the guys will take Trinny and meet you there" Ryan took charge and they all agreed as I followed my men out to the car

We needed to discuss that actually...what were we? I'm guessing they're all dating each other since they've all kissed each other...what changed?

"You look breathtaking, Principessa" Ryan smiled to me and I felt my cheeks burn as he opened the door so I could get in. He sat next to me and Milo was the other side

"Are you guys dating now?" I blurted before the words even went through my brain first and I clasped my mouth, my question earned a laugh from all the guys before I apologised "sorry, please don't answer that if you don't want to" I added.

"No it's alright don't worry. But yes, we're together. No one else knows and we would like to keep it that way if we can" he explained and I nodded. Doubts crept into my mind - what if they moved on from me and are only being nice because I went through hell... shit, I shouldn't have asked Rai to tell them what happened.

But I will admit, the session with her was so helpful and helped to take some weight off my shoulders…it gave me great comfort.

"We've been waiting for you to come back Trinny. We never stopped loving you and we never will" Milo Quickly informed me, catching onto my train of thought and stopping it before it got worse

"Think of it the way you love us, it's the same thing." Liam explained from the driver's seat and I nodded

"Okay, I'll keep it hush for now though" I promised and they smiled in appreciation and before I knew it, we had arrived. The restaurant looked fancy, fancier than I was used to.

Milo pulled me to his side. His hand rested on the space between my waist and hip, and I leaned into his touch with a soft smile as we headed inside

"Prenotazione per Marino.  Abbiamo alcune persone che si uniscono a noi" Ryan told the waitress in Italian and I tensed. I always wanted to learn my guy's language and used to love it coming from their mouths, but after recent events I can't even bear to hear it from

(Reservation for Marino. We have some people joining us)

"Who is Marino?" I asked after taking some breaths and Milo smiled

"Ryan, that's his last name" he told me and I nodded before realising I have no idea what any of their last names are. I sighed in relief as I saw we were the first to arrive at the table, Liam and Milo sat either side of me

"We want to give you an option to leave if you need. We won't make it obvious but Doctor Esposito said it may be helpful? Do you have anything in mind" Oliver smiled at me and my heart warmed at their thoughtfulness

"Can I...uhm..." I struggled to think of something which was something that could seem natural but I wouldn't accidentally do


"What if I.....maybe... If I put my cutlery like this?" I put my knife and fork in a right angled position on the plate and the men nodded in approval

"Thank you" James smiled and I nodded before their families started to arrive and fill the large table.

The noise levels grew to something above my comfort level, and I could smell the wine that nearly everyone was drinking which put me further on edge. It would've been worse if it was beer or cider, but it was alcohol nonetheless. And alcohol has that smell to it....


Posted 13.11.23

See you all soon 🤭

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