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don't be mad at me. Ik and im sorry. I didn't really want to add sh, but craig isn't the most stable, so I felt like it might add more spice.

Also, I'm gonna clarify that


This means that there's a part I didn't write bc I either didn't want to or it made me uncomfortable, or it was like smut or lemon.




That means time skip.


That means time skip to one day or a couple days later, whereas the other means time skip to whenever. Could be later in the day or later in the week.

We cool? Alright.

I've already said or shown yall what craig looks like with a picture and briefly with my words throughout the story, but I'm going to do a deeper description as well as describing what other characters look like to the best of my abilities. Also, headcannons ig.

Craig is a little tan because he goes outside, but the difference between his skin tone and tweeks is that tweek is terrified of most things that take place outside, so his skin is very pale. Tolkien is black, we know this, clyde is a little white jock type kid that hasn't completely let go of knowing what's right and what's wrong. He still makes mistakes, obviously, but yk. He spends a lot of time outside, so he has tanner skin.

Craig has braces that make his cheeks and lips pop out a teensy bit, like with tweeks comment on it in 'boyfriend, girlfriend'. Tweek's teeth aren't perfect, but he doesn't mind them. Tolkien has straight teeth, and clyde went through his awkward braces phase in middle school. Craig's teeth were so fucked up that it took longer than just two years to fix his teeth. He's almost done with his braces btw. (It's cannon that his teeth are rlly fucked up so don't come at me.)

Craig usually would have blue eyes bc on the show during the episode, 'good times with weapons', his eyes were shown as blue. Buttttt, I like to imagine Craig with thoughtless eyes, and the only thing that makes me think of that is really dark brown, almost black eyes. I also like to think about the dynamic between Craig and tweek is like Craig has blue and darker colors, and tweek has green and more earthy colors. That's why I stand by thinking that tweeks eyes are green, but if they're cannonly blue, I won't argue bc I literally can't argue with cannon. Clyde had brown eyes, and so does Tolkien.

Craig has a straight/sort of hooked nose, Tolkien has an upturned nose, tweek has a button nose, and clyde has a straight nose.

Small characteristics abt their faces and them:

His beauty marks(not moles. Moles stick out of the skin whereas beauty marks don't.) that he has all over his body, the one that's always out is the one on his cheek under his eye as well as small dimples in his cheeks.

Has light freckles and a laugh that makes other ppl smile (other ppl being craig.)

He can probably grow a beard but doesn't. He does have some facial hair, and he makes sure he's always clean and clean looking.
He has reading glasses.

He wears contacts due to bad eye sight and being embarrassed to wear his glasses. Plus, he plays football.

I think we've covered everything that matters.

Also, look at this ss from one of those tiktok initials slideshows.

Also, look at this ss from one of those tiktok initials slideshows

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The little t+c at the top. I thought it matched them. :)
Love yall. Mwah. Byeeee.

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