2. Envelope

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I was woken up by Georgia tapping my shoulder slightly.
"Al, we're here"
I groaned, not wanting to wake up.
"Alex!" Georgia said. Finally, I woke up and rubbed my eyes.
"How did you sleep? Feel better?" Georgia said while getting out of the car.
"Mhm" I yawned. Georgia helped me with my bags.
I carried them while Georgia helped me with the boxes.
"Is this your house? It looks pretty cool" Georgia asked confused.
"No it's not" I laughed.
"Come with me, G" We walked down the street until we arrived to my future house.
I opened the door and brought my bags in.
"Holy shit..." Georgia whispered. I laughed, it was pretty big, and there was a huge glass door that leaded to a big garden with a pool.
"This is sick!" Georgia cheered as she walked to the garden.
"And there's a pool!" She was such a kid.
"So... What do you think?" I asked.
"You will love it here, definitely." She said.

Georgia and I were having dinner, it was pretty late.
"Damn, I missed eating pizza." My friend said while taking a bite of her food.
"I also brought something for us." I said smiling.
"Oh my god. No way."
I laughed while I searched something in my new fridge.
"Surprise!" I gave her a vainilla and cookie dough ice cream
"ICE CREAM!" She seemed extremely happy.
"You're such a kid, you know?"
"Shut up and let's enjoy it"

After tidying everything up we went to sleep.
"Your room is huge."
"Yeah, well, all the rooms in general."
"Wait. There's more rooms?" Georgia said before sprinting out of the room.
"Kid." I said rolling my eyes while laughing.
After a while Georgia came back.
"I think I'll stay here with you." She laughed.
"I wish you could do that." I chuckled, even tho I knew it was true. I was in a complete different city. I didn't know anyone and I was going to leave alone.
Most people would call their parents for an advice, or support. Sadly, I couldn't do that.
As a kid, and now, as an adult, I've never had the thought of 'I want to be like mum' 'I want to be like dad'. Both of them were a nightmare, at least for me. My parents didn't look like bad people from the outside, but they were.

I was trying to sleep, Georgia was next to me trying to sleep as well.
My bedroom had a big window that could be seen from my bed. Personally, I identify myself as a very observant person. 'That's beautiful' I thought looking through the glass .
The window was huge, and you could see the dark sky, full of shiny stars. I stared at them.
"Alex?" Georgia said interrupting my thoughts. "Yeah?" I replied still looking at those shiny dots in the sky.
"What are you looking at?"
"The stars." I said nearly whispering.
"You should go to sleep" She said. I stayed in silence.
"Look at them." I said pointing the big window.
"What is it?" Georgia said chuckling, confused.
"Just look at them. They are beautiful" I told her with a smile plastered on my face.
She looked at me, shaking her head slightly, as she let out a small chuckle.
We stayed in silence, a comfortable silence.
"G." I said breaking the silence.
"Yes?" She said looking at me. I stared at her, my eyes getting lost in her gaze.
"Thank you." I simply said.
"What do you mean Al, thank you for what?"
"For everything."
"You don't have to thank me for anything, you know? You deserve the world." She said smiling.
A tear rolled down my face. I tried to be strong, I really tried.
"I don't really want to be here G. I don't." I put both hands on my face, as I tried to be strong.
"Come here." She opened her arms. I snuggled into them, while I cried silently.
"They will love you. All of them." She said brushing her fingers through my hair.
Georgia was my rock, my sister, my family. She looked at me the same way I looked the stars.
"You should sleep. Keira will come for me tomorrow early in the morning."
"Okay." Was all I said as salty tears rolled down my face.

Georgia was getting ready to leave.
"Are you sure you have everything?" I asked, but what I was trying is that she could stay a little bit longer with me.
"Yeah, completely sure." I nodded.
Soon, Georgia received a call from Keira.
"Hey, just let you know that I'll be there in 5 minutes. Well, that's what my gps says... I got lost a couple of times but I think I'm in the right way at the moment." We heard Keira say through the phone.
"No problem, see you in a minute." Georgia said while walking to the door.
"Do you want to wait for Keira outside?" I just nodded. We walked out of the house, I left the door slightly open. I sat on the little stairs and huffed.
My friend looked at me, with a soft smile plastered on her face. Neither of us talked, we just sat together enjoying of the morning sunrise, as it was pretty early.
"I have a good feeling. I think this can be a fresh start. You know?" I said looking at the sun, that was rising. I stared at the beautiful sky, it was orange and slightly yellow. There were some clouds that made the landscape hundreds of times better.
I took a deep breath, and then inhaled some fresh air. There was no noise in that moment. Just the birds flying around, and the morning breeze that made the tree's leafs sway slowly.
"Yeah, I think it will be perfect. I'll miss you though." Georgia said looking at me, but I was focused on the beautiful sunrise.
"You love watching landscapes, don't you?" She asked chuckling.
"Yeah. It's like, I don't know... Like if they were alive! Every landscape expresses something completely different." I said trying to explain her how I felt like when watching landscapes.

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