7. Emptiness

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Alex's Point Of View:

I drove to the Arsenal facilities, a bus was going to pick everyone up and drop us to the airport.
After parking my car, I picked up my suitcase and my bag.
I heard someone yell from the distance, it was Katie. I started making my way to her, my smile growing wider as I saw she was smiling at me.
"WASSUP ALLIE!" She said as she picked her suitcase and bags from the car boot.
"Hey Katie! Want some help?" I asked her as I saw she tried to pick her bag and her 2 suitcases.
"No don't worry, I'll pick this suitcase later, it's really heavy." She said giving up and slung her bag in her back.
"Don't worry, let's go." I said taking the suitcase with my right hand, as my left hand had mine.
"You're hulk, literally." Katie said impressed, I laughed. We both walked to the chilling room, where some of the girls that had already arrived were waiting with her luggage. It was pretty early, around 5 am, which was a torture to me as I barely had sleep. I placed my stuff next to an empty sofa, and then, laid down in it. I tried to close my eyes, I was tired and I definitely needed some sleep if I wanted to be in a decent mood later. As I was about to drift in my sleep, i hear the door open and someone cheering.
"GOOD MORNING AMAZING PEOPLE!" Jill cheered throwing her hands to the air. Then, she grabbed her bags, that rested on the floor and left them right next to my suitcase.
"WAKE UP!" Jill started jumping on the sofa, making me loose my comfort in it.
"Jill, it's barely 5 am, just leave me sleep..." I said rubbing my eyes.
"No chance." She said as she jumped again and again.

At 6:30 am, the bus picked us to drive us to the airport. The girls were pretty excited, they couldn't stop talking about the plans they had. They were pretty hyped up, as Jonas told them they would be able to go out one day after the match against Barcelona.
I was sat on the bus, Jill was next to me. My head rested in her shoulder, as I tried to sleep. It was kind of hard to sleep, as Jill was singing all the songs that we listened in Beth's speaker.
After a while, I finally reached my sleep, and rested a little bit. When I woke up, I saw that Jill was still awake.
"You alright Allie?" She asked as she paused the movie she was watching on her phone. I nodded and rubbed my eyes. "I can share my AirPods if you want to watch the movie with me." She said handing me an AirPod. "Thanks." I smiled at her, and then she played the movie.

We finally arrived to the airport, I helped Katie with her luggage.
"Okay girls, take a seat and get comfortable, our flight is in 3 hours." Jonas said before walking away with some staff members.
Everyone got comfortable in the sofas and seats in the airport. I thought about calling Emilio, as I didn't visit him yesterday.
"Who are you calling?"Beth asked sitting next to me. Before I could answer, Emilio picked up and greeted me.
"Alex! How are you?"
"Hey Emilio, I'm good, you?"
"Yeah it's been alright but I wish I could see you more often around the cafeteria you know?"
"I'll see you soon, don't worry. By the way, I'm with my teammate Beth."
"Beth? Beth Mead?" He asked excited, I could feel his smile through the phone.
"Yeah, Beth, say hi to Emilio." I passed the phone to Beth.
"Hey Emilio! Guess what!" She said excited.
"Tell me." He laughed through the phone.
"We're going to Barcelona!" She cheered, the others girls heard her and cheered louder.
"Without me?" Emilio asked acting as if he was offended.
"He's from Barcelona." I told Beth as I heard Emilio talking to her.
"Wait, are you Spanish?" She asked.
"Yes, from Barcelona." Emilio stated.
"Cool! It's been a pleasure Emilio, but we have to go. Our coach is calling everyone... I'll see you soon with Alex!" Beth said while Jonas started calling everyone.
"Bye, have fun!"
"Bye Emilio, I'll call you soon!" I said before I hung up.
"Come on! Everyone!" Jonas said as he told us to pay attention.
"Alright, I need you to listen carefully. I made a list and put everyone in pairs for the flight seats and the hotel rooms. Okay?" Everyone nodded and he started reading the list. He started saying names, and you could see the girls agreeing with the decisions of Jonas.
"Katie and Beth."
"Jill and Viv."
"And last but not least, Alex and Leah." My stomach dropped when I heard her name. Leah.
I searched Leah's eyes, she looked at me coldly.
"This is going to be interesting." Katie mocked.
"Not funny Katie." I said crossing my arms.

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