21. What Is Beauty?

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Omniscient Narrator:

The girl walked with fast steps, the empty corridor echoing the sound of her steps. She was so confused, everything was confusing. Why was everything so hard? Did she deserve it?
The girl kept walking, she didn't know where she was going, but she kept walking. And from a long corridor, she came to a meeting room, from there to a secretary's office, where she pushed open the first door she saw. The door led outside, the sky was dark, grey clouds and lightning. The rain was falling heavily, as if it had rage, or contempt for humanity and was punishing them for it. As she felt the drizzling water soaking his clothes, she started running. And again, she didn't know where she was going. It was freezing cold, the rain didn't help, but she didn't care. Her vision was not clear, drops were hitting her face, making it difficult to see clearly. But she kept running, and running. Until she noticed that she was no longer treading on asphalt or the ground that covered the extraordinary facility of the club. She was running on grass, but just before she thought about it, a scent of wet grass made her realise it all. What was she doing there? She didn't know. It was threateningly cold, but the girl didn't want to leave for some reason. Her feet remained anchored where they were, with no intention of moving. And when she least expected it, she found herself sitting on the ground, her head up, watching the black clouds and the lightning.

Leah's point of view:

I froze, should I follow her? I was too afraid. What if she didn't feel the same? What if she didn't want to have any type of relationship with me anymore? Well, it looked like my legs though before my head did and I started running. The girl was already gone, so I started searching.
And, eventually, I made it outside of the building. It was raining heavily, but I supposed that Alex could be there, so I didn't stop running. Minutes seemed hours, I couldn't find her, until I saw her. I saw her, sat in the middle of a field. And I froze, again. 'Should I go?' I thought.

Omniscient narrator:

The rain continued to fall, an unrelenting cascade that soaked them to the bone. Alex and Leah sat side by side on the football pitch, their breaths visible in the chilly air, their hearts laid bare by the storm that raged within them. The depth of their emotions spoke volumes in the way their eyes locked and held, understanding passing between them like an unspoken promise.
Alex finally found her voice, her brown eyes shimmering with vulnerability as she spoke.
"Leah," she began, her words quivering with raw and honesty.
"I always cared about you. You already know that, don't you?" Alex asked, staring at Leah's gaze.
Leah's blue eyes widened with a mixture of surprise and hope. The weight of her own feelings had been a burden she had carried for too long, and now, with Alex's confession hanging in the damp air, she couldn't hold back any longer. She turned to face Alex, her voice trembling with emotion.
Leah's eyes locked onto the depths of Alex's brown eyes.
"I love you. I always have, since I met you." In that moment, they shared an unspoken connection that transcended words. They didn't kiss; they didn't need to. The truth hung between them like a shimmering thread of shared understanding and longing.
Leah couldn't help but smile through the raindrops that clung to her lashes.
"You know," she said, her voice filled with wonder. "We always seem to end up watching landscapes together, don't we? Whether it's a sunset, a starry night, or even something as simple as rain."
Alex chuckled softly, her heart lighter than it had been in a long time.
"That's true," she admitted.
"I find beauty in the most insignificant things, Leah. Like rain. It's like the world is showing us its raw, unfiltered emotions, and I can't help but appreciate it."
Leah nodded, her fingers brushing a rain-soaked strand of hair away from Alex's face.
"I think I understand why now," She said, her voice a gentle whisper.
"It's because you see beauty in everything, even the storms. Just like I see the beauty in you."
In that moment, the rain, the pitch, and the world around them faded into the background, leaving only the two of them, connected by a love that had weathered its own storms. And as they sat there, their eyes spoke of promises and possibilities, of a future where they would navigate life's landscapes together, finding beauty in the most unexpected places, with love as their guiding light.
"I'm sorry for what happened." Leah said, guilt in her voice. Alex shook her head, a soft smile plastered in her face.
"It's okay now, Leah." Alex said slowly laying in the wet and muddy grass. Leah smiled, and laughed a little bit.
"You're going to end up full of mud." Leah chuckled, also starting to lay in the grass.
"It's worth it, though. Look." Alex pointed at the sky with one hand, while the other one rested in the back of her head. Leah looked where she pointed, and she saw the dark sky, grey clouds, and lightnings which in Alex's language, was beauty.

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