31. "Dont you remember... us?"

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Omniscient Narrator:

The hum of medical equipment surrounded Alex as she tried to piece together the fragments of her memory. Her friends exchanged glances, their expressions mirroring a shared concern that hung in the air.

Keira, her voice soft, tried to steer the conversation carefully. "Alex, do you remember how you got the concussion?"

Alex furrowed her brow, trying to sift through the haze of confusion. "Not really. The last thing I remember is being on the field, and then... it's a bit fuzzy."

Lucy chimed in, her eyes reflecting worry, "It's okay, Alex. The doctors said it might take some time for your memory to fully come back."

Georgia, sensing the need for support, added, "They assured us that head injuries can cause temporary memory loss. It's not uncommon." Alex sighed and looked at the ceiling.

"What about Chiara? I thought she would be here. We were supposed to meet after the match." She looked at her friends in search of an answer.

This time, Lucy hesitated before responding, "Alex, Chiara... she's not here right now. Maybe later. You need to focus on recovering, okay?"

A fleeting expression of disappointment crossed Alex's face, replaced quickly by a nod of understanding.

Keira, her concern deepening, gently steered the conversation away from Chiara. "You know, your memory will probably start coming back in bits and pieces. Don't stress about it too much right now."

Despite their efforts to maintain a comforting atmosphere, the concern among the friends grew more palpable. They shared glances laden with unspoken worry, aware that Alex's memory loss might extend beyond the immediate incident.

Georgia, her voice laced with a touch of concern, changed the topic, "Leah mentioned she might drop by later. She's been really worried about you."

This time, Alex's reaction was more pronounced. A brief moment of confusion flashed across her face, and she instinctively touched her head as if trying to grasp onto memories that eluded her.

Lucy, trying to conceal her unease, joined the conversation, "Leah cares a lot about you, Alex. She's been asking about your recovery since you got here."

As the friends continued their conversation, laughter and stories filling the room, a silent undercurrent of concern persisted. They were careful not to push Alex too hard, understanding that her memory loss was a delicate subject. In the midst of the camaraderie, there lingered an unspoken question – how much did Alex truly remember, and what would happen when Leah arrived?

Leah entered the hospital room with a bouquet of flowers, her eyes searching for Alex. The air in the room felt charged, a silent tension hanging between them. Lucy, who had been at Alex's side, exchanged a glance with Leah, sensing the underlying unease.

Leah, with a forced casualness. "Hey, Alex. How's it going?"

Alex managed a weak smile, but Leah could sense a barrier, an awkwardness she couldn't quite ignore.

"I brought you these flowers. Thought they might brighten up the place."

Alex thanked her quietly, but the atmosphere remained strained. Lucy gave Leah a subtle warning glance, a signal to tread carefully.

Leah, her tone edged with irritation. "What's with the mood in here? It's like you guys are walking on eggshells."

Lucy, trying to diffuse the tension. "Leah, Alex has been through a lot. Let's just keep it light, okay?"

Leah, persistent. "Fine. But I don't get why everyone's acting so weird."

She pulled up a chair, the irritation simmering beneath the surface. Alex, avoiding eye contact, seemed hesitant to engage.

"Come on, Alex. Spit it out. What's going on?"

Alex fidgeted, clearly uncomfortable. Leah, unable to mask her irritation any longer, cut to the chase.

"Don't you remember... us?"

The room fell into an uneasy silence. Alex's eyes flickered, avoiding Leah's direct gaze.

Alex, hesitating said quietly. "No."

Leah felt the weight of those two letters like a punch to the gut. The bouquet of flowers slipped from her hands, scattering petals across the floor. The room became a battlefield of unspoken pain.

Leah, standing beside the hospital bed, didn't sit. The tension was palpable, and she couldn't bring herself to ease into a chair. The unreciprocated emotions hung in the air, and without another word, Leah turned and left the room, leaving behind a trail of fallen petals and the shattered remnants of what once seemed so certain.

Lucy, stood up from the chair and started calling after her. "Leah, wait!"

But Leah had already disappeared into the unforgiving hallways of the hospital, her heartache echoing in the sterile corridors. The fragments of their connection lay scattered like the fallen petals, and Leah sought solace in the solitary quietness outside the room, the hospital walls unable to contain the unraveling ache within her chest.

Author's note:

⚠️I KNOW THIS IS SHORT⚠️ I was going to publish this next week because I have my term exams this week, but I wanted to write this part so bad. I hope you guys liked this, and I'm super happy to read everybody's comments! Love you all guys ;)

What are your suppositions? What's going to happen now with Leah and Alex? Or even... Alex and Chiara?👀

Let me know what you guys think! See you soon!🫶🏼

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