11. We Feel So Big, Yet So Small

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Omniscient Narrator:

"Okay girls, as we told you in the meeting last week, we're going to sightsee the city. Today, we'll visit a museum, Cosmo Caixa, and we'll also go to the beach." Explained Jonas under the attentive listening of the team. The team cheered excited, making Jonas smile widely.
A bus picked them up, and around 30 minutes later, they were already making their way to the museum entrance.
"This is huge!" Beth said while taking a photo of the big museum. A couple of minutes later, they started the tour. Some of the girls sensed that something was going on with Alex, she was quiet, and also Leah. For their surprise, the blonde had the whole time talking to Alex with concern, making everyone confuse.
"What the hell did just happen?" Katie touched Manuela's shoulder, making her turn around to see Leah wrapping her arm around Alex's shoulder, as they walked together.
"I don't know, but they definitely look cute." The goalkeeper told Katie before turning around and taking photos to a sculpture.
"I still think you should tell what happened to someone, we can help." Leah whispered in Alex's ear with her arm wrapped around her shoulder.
"No, Leah. At least not yet. I'll be okay." Alex stated firmly. They walked around to see a sculpture which both of them admired. They observed the art piece in silence, Leah wanting to talk but being stopped by her nervousness.
"Just talk to me, Leah." Alex said without looking at the blonde.
"Talk about what?" Leah stuttered. Alex chuckled quietly, before talking to the blonde.
"I can feel you're nervous. Just spill, Leah." Alex told her now looking at Leah's ocean blue eyes.
" Look, I know we've never exactly been on the best terms. I've been a real jerk, and I'm sorry for that." Alex smiled weakly at Leah's apology, nodding slightly.
"And... What you did for me, I-I owe you more than an apology." Leah now let go from Alex, to stare in front of her, looking apologetically.
"You don't owe me anything, Leah. We're okay." Alex smiled looking at the blonde with warmth.
Their teammates watched them with cuteness, they were hid behind a column trying to listen the conversation.
"Looks like they're apologising...?" Jill said watching them without them noticing.
"Yeah, looks like it." Beth said in disbelief.

"No, I really owe you everything." Leah said before pausing.
"You know, I was scared that day when everything happened. I was scared not just for myself, but for you too." The girl started, playing with her fingers.
"Let's just move forward, Leah. We're on the same team, after all." Alex said now smiling with excitement, which warmed Leah's heart.
"So... Friends?" Leah asked awkwardly.
"Friends!" Alex said before throwing herself to Leah and hug her tightly, Leah
"Sorry to interrupt guys, but that was just so emotional!" Manuela walked to them, not hiding anymore.
"Was it?" Leah mocked, still hugging me. The girls laughed at that. "Yes, I'm literally crying." Lotte said wiping a tear in her eye.

"Oh my god! Katie! Katie! Katie!" Alex tried to get Katie's attention. Katie turned around rolling her eyes, before answering. "What do you want now, Alex..."
"Look! It's a capybara!"
"I've already seen that, and you've been telling me the same with every animal we saw..."
"But look! It's a capybara!" Alex said again, making the girls and Jonas laugh.
"Looks like they're ignoring you, Alex." Leah mocked, earning a death stare from Alex.

They finished the day having a team dinner in the beach. After having dinner, they sat in a long table, with the team and staff members around. They were in the exterior, next to the beach, being able to see the ocean from their seats.
"Cheers! For Alex and her debut!" Jonas said raising the beer he had in his hand.
"Cheers!" Everyone said before taking a sip of their drinks. After some minutes of chatting and sharing laughs with the team, they decided to go to the beach. Alex sat alone in the sand, her feet touching the water where the waves crashed making a peaceful environment. It was pretty late, the sky was dark, full of those shiny dots that people call stars. The gleam of the moon was the only light present, as a soft breeze blew, making Alex's hair sway slightly. The girl loved the smell of the sea, the sound of the waves crashing, her feet buried in the sand.
She felt someone sit by her side while she watched the beautiful nightscape.
"You love watching landscapes don't you?" This brought her a deja vu, Georgia.
"Yeah." Alex told Leah, that was sat next to her looking up at the stars. Both enjoyed the moment, the silence, and the feeling of comfort that the landscape brought.
"And you know, when I look at the stars, I can't help but feel small. It's as if they remind me of how vast the universe is, and how brief our time here is." Alex said meditating her words before saying them. Leah stayed in silence, thinking about it. It was true, they were so big yet so small at the same time, almost insignificant, because there was a whole world out there, and they probably would never have the chance to explore it.
"It's humbling. We get so caught up in our everyday worries, but when we stare at those stars, we realize our problems are just a tiny part of something much greater." Alex looked now at the moon, that shone making her wonder what was out there, and the things she would never get to see.
"You really put your mind into it when it comes to this topic." Leah said chuckling, but still thinking the girl's theory. Alex buried her feet in the sand, shrugging.
"Stars really have a meaning, they express things. At least, that's what I think."
"A meaning?" Leah asked.
"In quiet nights like this one, watching the stars is like listening to the universe hum its enchanting lullaby to the world."
"Wow, you're terribly poetic!" Leah mocked after leaving a silence.
"Oh, shut up Williamson! I just say what I feel." Alex said playing with the sand as she looked at the blonde chuckling.
And with that, they two of them sat. In the quietness of the night, while the universe hummed it's enchanting lullaby to the world.

Author's Note:

I know this is a short chapter, but I'll try to update more often. Also, I'm totally heartbroken, I just heard the news about Olga's (Olga Carmona) dad. Apparently, he passed away on Friday, but her family didn't say anything to allow her to focus to the final💔
If you don't mind, would you answer some questions? They'll help me to develop this story, trying to get to know what the readers like and what they don't. Leave your vote and suggestions! I would really appreciate if you answer the questions :)

1. Do you think the 'quotes' or reflections of the story make sense? Do you feel identified with any of them?

2. Alex has a few friendships, which one do you like the most, and why? (Georgia, Keira, Lucy, Ellie, Beth, Katie, Jill...)

3. What do you like about Alex? (As a character, the way she talks, thinks...)

4. What do you like about Leah? (As a character, her personality, how she thinks...)

5. What do you think that will be the next move for Alex's family?

6. Would you rather read a story with a happy ending, or a sad ending?

7. What's your favourite moment of the story so far?

8. Do you prefer Alex's/ Leah's POV, or omniscient narrator?

9. Favourite quote/reflection?

Thanks for reading, I'll see you soon!

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