33. Realisation II

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Omniscient Narrator:

Alex was finally told that she could leave the hospital.

"You might have a little bit of a headache when you start remembering things." The doctor had told her.

As soon as she stepped out of the mechanic glass doors of the centre, she sighed. It was raining and she didn't have and umbrella. She started walking, she put her hands in her pockets and inhaled the cold air.

After minutes of walking and shaking due to the cold weather, Alex saw someone that made her freeze. Leah.
Alex was then standing in the middle of the street, watching the blonde walk, gripping her hand in the pockets of her Arsenal jacket.

The blonde seemed to notice someone staring, she turned around slowly. Their eyes connected, both of them gasping under their breath.

Alex stood there, she didn't exactly know why she was feeling some kind of longing towards the girl.

Leah then, started walking again, covering her head with the hood of her Arsenal jacket. In the other hand, Alex just shook her head and walked in another direction.

She didn't really know where she was going, but she kept walking, her hair slowly getting wet due to the rain that poured.

"Maybe it's not that awful after all." Alex stared at Leah's blue eyes, getting lost in them.

A memory invaded Alex's mind.

"Wow, you're terribly poetic!" Leah mocked after leaving a silence.
"Oh, shut up Williamson! I just say what I feel."

At this point, Alex had stopped in her tracks in the middle of the street. Her mouth, hung a little bit open. Her breath hitched. Leah.

Leah smiled sheepishly, and looked into her eyes. "They're for you." She repeated, but this time looking at Alex warmly, staring at her soul.

"I don't hate you, Leah. That's why." Alex let out and smiled weakly as she wiped away Leah's tears with her thumb.

A banging headache invaded Alex's head, no longer letting her think straight. Her eyes were shut, trying to collect all the information she was remembering.

"You would give everything up for her, don't you?" Katie asked above a whisper, sitting next to Alex.
"Yeah, but I guess she wouldn't." Alex said quietly, her voice was fragile.

"Leah." She mumbled under her breath. A surge of urgency propelled Alex, she started running as fast as she could. Through the night, rain blurred her vision, each step a relentless determination to find Leah, her other half lost in the storm. Falling to the ground multiple times, Alex rose gridding her teeth and shedding tears of frustration.

Finally, Leah's figure emerged in the distance. The end of the street marked the convergence of their destinies. Leah, a furrow in her brow, turned to see Alex approaching with desperate footsteps.

In that moment, Alex's breath hitched. Leah, hesitant but yearning, took a small step forward. Before Leah could take one more step, Alex, driven by an overwhelming wave of emotion, was already running again towards Leah. Tears mingled with raindrops on Alex's cheeks as she cupped Leah's face with trembling hands.

"I love you," Alex declared, the words a confession that echoed through the rain-soaked night. "I love you, Leah." Alex's voice broke at the mention of the blonde's name.

Leah, grasping the depth of those three words, met Alex's gaze with equal intensity. In the midst of the downpour, their lips converged, a passionate kiss that sealed the reunion of two souls separated by the tide of forgotten memories. The world around them disappeared into the symphony of rain, leaving only the raw, unspoken truth of love that had endured the test of time and recollection. In that shared moment, the rain became a witness to the rekindling of a connection that defied the storms of uncertainty.

After pulling apart, Alex looked at Leah in the eyes, before pressing her forehead against mine, staring tenderly into her eyes, as if never around them existed.

Omniscient Narrator:

It's been a long time, and I'm sorry! I'm having a mental block, and I don't know what or how to write my chapters. I'm trying to find new ideas, and I'm writing another story that may help me to inspire myself a little bit. Go and check it if you like! Leave your vote and comment if you liked this chapter!

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