16. It Didn't Feel Right

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Omniscient Narrator:

Did you ever feel like something is missing, but at the end, it's just the feeling of missing something that you have already lost? That's how Alex felt. Meanwhile, her friends were rubbing their bodies against each other in the dance floor, singing at the top of their lungs the energetic songs that popped up during the night. Alex had practice the next day, but she didn't really care, she was already in the 3rd round of shots, alone in the bar, only speaking to say a blunt 'another round please.' to the man that was behind the bar preparing everyone's drinks. The feeling of the liquid burning down her throat distracted her from everything in that moment.
She was alone in the bar, with a shot in her hand, until someone sat next to her and told the waitress she wanted a round of vodka shots.
Alex looked at her, the alcohol was slowly making it's effect, making her feel like if her head was spinning a little bit. She saw that the man left three shots in the bar for the girl that was sitting next to her. Her hair was black, her eyes emerald green. Her lips were naturally pink and she was wearing a white top, a cropped black blouse, and blue shorts. She had a tattoo on her arm, in small letters 'otsnar ocsa'.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." The girl said now looking at Alex, leaving her speechless.

"Another round for the lady please!" She said to the man that was behind the bar.

He looked exhausted, he sighed and dried some sweat he had in his head, as he was bald. Alex furrowed and looked at the girl, that had a grin in her face.

"How come you're here, all alone?" The girl asked, making Alex look deeper in her eyes. Alex seemed to meditate her answer, now looking away and getting comfortable in the tambourine.

"Life is shit." Alex answered, and the bald man left 3 shots in front of her. The other girl nodded slowly, as if she knew what she was talking about. Alex drank the first shot and sighed, before looking back at the dark haired girl, that was still nodding at her response.

"I'm Chiara." She said, before emptying the little glass of her shot of vodka, that now burned down her throat.

"Alex." The brunette simply said, before taking another shot, making the other grin.

"So... Did you come here alone?" Chiara asked, getting comfortable in her seat.

"No, I came here with my friends. They're over there I think." Alex said pointing the dance floor. Chiara nodded and seemed to start meditating what to say next.

"Would you like to... Go with them? I can come with you, you seem bored." The girl laughed, starting to feel the alcohol consuming her.

"Let's go." Alex finished the last shot and stood up, she grabbed Chiara's hand due to the amount of people in the pub. As soon as Alex localised her friends, she made her way to them, still holding Chiara's hand. She felt Georgia grinning at her and Chiara, so she let go the girl's hand.

"Well well well! Look who has decided to finally have some fun!" Georgia grinned. Keira and Lucy laughed while they danced together, pressing their bodies against each other.

"This is Chiara, she got me some shots." Alex introduced the girl to her friends, despite Lucy and Keira having their moment in the dance floor, they had listened her.

"Wow! You finally got her to move her her ass off from the bar!" Keira said as Lucy pressed her against her body.

"What can I say, I'm irresistible." Chiara winked an eye looking at Alex, making her blush.

"I like her." Georgia smiled at the two girls, this only seemed to make Chiara's ego grow wider. She grabbed Alex's hand again and pulled her to the dance floor. The other girls were now walking to the bar to have some drinks.

"What are you doing?" Alex said still holding her hand.

"Isn't that obvious? I'm trying to seduce you." Chiara giggled and pressed her body to Alex, moving along the rhythm of the music.

"Well, it's not working." Alex chuckled, and Chiara placed her hands on the girl's hips, making Alex heart race.

"Are you sure?" Chiara whispered in Alex's ear, sending her shivers down her spine. Alex let out a silent moan when the other girl tightened her grip.
At this point the brunette was under Chiara's control, she was under an effect that only a few people had on her, like for example, Leah.
Alex felt as if she was floating, Chiara's right hand was now in the other girl's arse. Alex felt amazing, but deep down, she felt that it wasn't right.
But in that moment, she felt that her life was falling down and breaking into pieces, so she thought, fuck it. She turned around in a quick movement and pressed her lips against Chiara's pink and soft ones. She wrapped her arms around the dark haired girl's neck, and Chiara placed her hands in Alex's waist. It wasn't a soft kiss, it was needy and desperate. Alex didn't break the kiss and placed a hand in the girl's neck, deepening it. When they finally broke apart due to the lack of oxygen, Chiara leaned and brushed her lips with Alex's, they both felt each other's breaths. Chiara leaned and whispered in Alex's ear.

"You look so beautiful." Chiara said, her lips brushing the girl's ear. The brunette bit her lip, she was experiencing a day full of different emotions.

"But you would look even better in bed without clothes." The dark haired spoke, starting to drive Alex crazy. Alex didn't waste more time and pulled her again in a heated kiss.
Meanwhile, Georgia Keira and Lucy sat in the bar, having some drinks after dancing and singing at the top of their lungs.

"Where's Alex?" Keira asked before taking a sip of her drink. Lucy shrugged, and Georgia started looking for the girl from her seat.

"Oh my god." Georgia said in utter shock, and covered her mouth seconds after, still looking.

"Look at her go!" Lucy cheered and threw her arms to the air, spilling a bit of the drink she had in her hand.

"What the he-." Keira said before being interrupted.

"NO WAY! Alex was actually who pulled Carol into the kiss!" Georgia said still shocked.

"It's not Carol, it's Charlotte." Lucy said.

"No, it's Chiara, you idiots." Keira chuckled, shoving Lucy a little bit. At this point, the three of them talked about them as if they were teenagers gossiping.

Alex and Chiara covered their naked and sweaty bodies with the covers of Alex's bed.

"That was... amazing." Alex said trying to return her breathing to its normal state.

"Mhmm." Chiara said, as if she wasn't convinced.

"What's wrong?" Alex asked, covering her torso with the covers. Chiara sighed before confidently speaking.

"Nothing, it was alright." She got closer to Alex and stroked some hairs that were on her sweaty face.
Alex smiled, she got lost in Chiara's green eyes. But she didn't love her, she wasn't Leah. As much as Alex hated it, Leah would always own a unique place in her heart. The kiss they shared was different, she felt for a moment that Leah did felt the same, that she could stay there forever, in her arms, telling her everything was going to be alright.
But at the moment, having sex with Chiara made her want to feel better, but she really couldn't. She couldn't, because she felt that it wasn't right. She felt that the girl that had to be in her arms during the dark and cold nights was Leah.
Because, Leah, made Alex feel special for a moment. She made her feel something, the emptiness she felt when she was in London was suddenly gone for a moment. But as wise people say, nothing ever lasts forever. They broke apart, and the emptiness that Alex thought was gone, was back, stronger than ever. Squeezing her heart until it bled, then letting it fall to the ground and stomping on it until it shattered into pieces.

Author's Note:

What do you guys think of Chiara? Leave your vote and comment! I'll update very very soon! Also, I know this is really short, but I really plastered my emotions in this chapter and I wanted to make it special even if it was short.

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