12. Cosa Nostra

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Hey! Before beggining with this new chapter I would love to send a huge thanks to every single person behind the screen reading this story. Thanks for all the support, it makes me feel nothing but grateful! Feel absolutely free to comment any suggestions, please!
Now, you can enjoy the new chapter, I hope you like it!

Alex's Point Of View:

I woke up due to a ray of sunlight hitting my face. In that moment, I just wanted to stay in bed, but then I remembered it was our last day in Barcelona.
I looked around, and I saw that Leah's bed was empty.

"Shit!" I said thinking I was late and everyone was already having breakfast.

"Chill, Alex. You're not late." Leah got out of the bathroom, a towel swung over her shoulder. Her blonde hair was wet, she was wearing Arsenal shorts and a black sport bra that exposed her toned abs.

"Are you going to move or just stare at me all day...?" Leah said making me realise I was staring at her.

"Yeah sorry." I said quietly blushing slightly, as I got out of the bed, but as soon as I stood up I felt a severe pain where my dear dad's employee stabbed me a few days ago.

"Fucking hell!" I groaned in pain, my hand in my stomach as I sat in the edge of the bed.

"Woah, easy there." Leah said walking to me concerned. I focused in nothing but her abs, god, what was happening to me?
Leah lifted up my shirt, making me tense in her touch.

"Can I take this one off?" Leah asked to take the gauze in my stomach off. I nodded and she retired it, making me flinch.

"Did you disinfect those last night?"

"No, I forgot to." I said feeling guilty. Leah giving me a death stare, and then walking to the bathroom to bring the first aid kit with her. She sat next to me in the bed and started to put wipe some blood that was around the wound with a sanitising wipe.

An awkward silence invaded the room, the window was opened, making able the two of us to hear the city atmosphere.

"Did you talk with Georgia?" Leah asked carefully as she cleaned my injury.

I shook my head in response, not wanting to talk about it, but she didn't seem to understand it.

"Georgia called me a day before you signed for Arsenal." Leah talked without looking at me.


"She told me to keep an eye on you." Leah stopped cleaning my wound to look me in the eyes.

"What?" I said confused and Leah shook her head, now avoiding my gaze.

"She knew something was up, didn't she." I could feel she felt somehow guilty.

"Not at all, kind of."

"I'm sorry, Alex." A tear escaped from Leah's eyes, making my heart flinch.

"It's not your fault." I reassured her.

"It is." She said above a whisper.

"No, Leah, stop it. Listen, it's not your fault, okay?" I dried her tears with my thumb. Her face was soft, making me want to stroke it and get lost in her touch forever.

Leah's Point Of View:

"It is." I said quietly.

"No, Leah, stop it. Listen, it's not your fault, okay?" She rubbed her thumb across my face, wiping away my tears. I melted as soon as I saw the look in her eyes. She looked at me with softness, with concern, like if I was going to break down in any moment.

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