30. "No"

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Leah's point of view:

"No" I immediately froze, and my hands started to shake. My lip began to quiver, tears forming in my eyes. Lucy was sitting in the sofa of the hospital room, she watched me drop the bouquet of flowers I had in my hand. Inside of it, there was a little note 'for Allie' with my neat handwriting. Alex looked down at her hands, she couldn't look at me.

"I-I think I'll just, uh..." Lucy stood up from the little sofa, she looked concerned. Before she could start approaching me, I said above a whisper. "I think I have to go."

And just like that, I walked off. I could hear Lucy calling my name, but I kept walking through the endless hospital corridors. It's white blinking lights, and it's neat white floor always terrified me. I kept walking, and walking.

I finally made it to the exit door, and as soon as I breathed the cold air of London, I broke down. I didn't have my car in that moment. Just fantastic, right? So I decided to walk, and get myself lost in the dark streets of London.

After endless minutes sobbing quietly while walking through the streets of the city, I decided to stop walking. I saw a little park, grass around and some benches. I rubbed my bloodshot eyes, and made my way to a bench. I covered myself well with my warm jacket before sitting, it was dead cold out there. I took my phone out, my fingers were freezing and I struggled texting my mum, so I decided to call her directly.

Beep, Beep, Beep.


Omniscient Narrator:

The Williamson household has always been a warm place. Their house wasn't too big, neither small, it was a comfortable place to stay in. Leah remembered her years in that house as the greatest of all time, with her mum, her brother, her dad and their dog Bella. It was practically impossible to feel uncomfortable in that house.

Leah had her hair tied up in a messy bun, her eyes were red and puffy. She was sat in the sofa in which she used to jump and play with her brother Jacob, she smiled a little bit through tears when she remembered. Her leg was bouncing slightly, she fiddled with the ring she had in her finger.

After staring at the floor, thinking deeply about everything, she heard the wooden parquet floor creak. Amanda, was holding two mugs of tea, one of them with the Arsenal badge, obviously for Leah.

The blonde raised her gaze, and looked at her mother, biting her lip to hold back tears. Instead, her mother had a tender smile on her face. Cautiously, Amanda set the two cups of tea down on the small table just in front of the couch the blonde was sitting on.

"Your favourite." Amanda said as she saw her daughter smile sideways at the red mug with the Arsenal crest on it.

"Thanks." Leah let go in a faint mumble. Her mother took a seat next to her, and took her cup of tea in her hands.

"Tell me honey, what happened to you?" she asked after swallowing a sip of the hot beverage. Leah sighed, taking the red cup between her trembling hands.

"I-it's Alex, mum." She said feeling a stab in her heart.

Author's note:

I didn't update because of some things going on lately but I will come back soon. I'm dealing with my problems with professional help, so it's completely fine.
Mental health IS IMPORTANT, so if you need to talk to someone, I'm here. Stay safe, love y'all🫶🏼

I didn't want to publish this, but I did because I felt the need of letting you guys know that something is about to happen. Does anyone know what happened?👀

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