14. Trust's Plot Twist

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Omniscient Narrator:

Alex opened the door of her house with her keys. Leah was behind her in silence, she didn't want to overwhelm the girl.

"You can talk to me, you know?" Alex sighed after opening the door and stepping inside her house. She took her shoes off and left them near the door in a wooden box.

"I just didn't want to... You know." Leah tried to explain as she took off her shoes and left them where Alex did.

"It's okay." Alex walked to the living room, and Leah followed her.

"Do you want a cuppa' or something?" Alex asked, leaving her phone in the kitchen counter.

"No thanks, I'm okay." Alex nodded after hearing the response of the blonde and made her way to the sofa.
Leah sat next to her, slightly concerned.

"Look Alex, I don't want to push you, but you can tell me anything and I promise I'll help you to sort it out, okay?" Leah spoke, and Alex nodded her head slowly without looking at her. The whole house was in silence, even the tv was off.

"It's been... A rough time, you know." Alex said laughing a little bit to cover the pain that she was really feeling. Because the truth was, that Alex felt a lot of pain, not physically, mentally. She was mentally tired and overwhelmed.

"Talk to me, Alex." Leah grabbed Alex's hand.

"I still haven't called her yet, I just... I can't." Alex combed her fingers through her hair.

"I'm sure you two will sort everything out soon." Leah gave me a warm smile and squeezed my hand.

"Do you want to watch a movie or something?" Alex asked, changing the topic and turned on the tv.

"Of course!" Leah gladly accepted, and sat comfortable in the sofa.

"What do you want to watch?" The brunette asked and Leah said she didn't mind.

"I don't mind, as long as you're comfortable, it's okay." The blonde said looking at Alex's eyes, making the girl blush. She nodded and put a movie she already watched, but she loved it so it was okay.

Alex's Point Of View:

I don't know how, but all along the movie, Leah and I started to get closer and closer. Like if our bodies craved each others touch. After some minutes of tension, Leah moved and cuddled with me, without saying a word. Her arms were wrapped around my waist carefully, and her head rested on top of mine, that was placed in her chest, but still being able to watch the movie.

Omniscient Narrator:

The movie played on, but their attention wasn't on the screen, it was on each other. They had stolen glances throughout the evening, their eyes locked for moments that seemed to stretch into infinity.
As the movie approached a particularly emotional scene, the air between them seemed to thicken. Leah's fingers idly traced patterns on Alex's arm, sending shivers down her spine. Alex's hand moved instinctively to cup Leah's cheek.
Without a word, they turned toward each other. Their eyes met, an unspoken question and answer in that shared gaze. The room was filled with the anticipation of what was about to happen, a connection forged through unspoken desires.
Alex leaned in, her lips barely grazing Leah's as if seeking for permission. Leah's eyes fluttered closed, and their breaths sync in a rhythm that felt like the softest melody. The first kiss was tender, tentative, a fragile bridge between friendship and something deeper.
Their lips met again, and this time, there was no hesitation. The kiss deepened, emotions swelled between them like a tidal wave. Their bodies shifted closer, molding against each other as if they had found a missing piece of themselves.
It wasn't a rushed kiss, but a slow exploration, a testament to the emotions that had been building between them. Their mouths moved together in a dance that spoke volumes, conveying feelings that words had struggled to express.
As they finally pulled away, their foreheads rested gently against each other, and they shared a quiet moment of reverence. The weight of what had just transpired hangs in the air, and they understood the significance of this shared kiss.
Leah traced patters in Alex's arm, making her shiver, her heartbeat felt like if it was going at 1000 mph.
The moment was interrupted by Leah's phone ringing, and Alex muted the movie so the noise wouldn't bother Leah while she spoke. As soon as she picked up the phone, she tensed.
Alex could hear the conversation, but she acted as if she didn't hear nothing.

"Where are you?" A girl that Alex recognised as Jordan spoke.

"I'm with Alex!" Leah said frustrated. Jordan's next words were inaudible for Alex, as she couldn't hear properly.

"Jordan, I know, but we're taking a break! Can we talk about this later?" Alex's stomach dropped, she stayed silent. Eventually, Leah hung up combed her fingers through her hair as she sighed.

"Alex... About the kiss, it didn't mean anything." Leah stuttered. Alex couldn't believe what she was hearing, she was holding tears back, she couldn't show herself as a weak human, not again.

"Oh... I-it's okay, I guess. Y-yes, it's okay." After Alex's words the house stayed in silence, the only thing that was audible were the pieces of Alex's heart breaking, falling to the cold floor. She tried to be brave, but she couldn't even speak. That kiss was intimate, she felt safe for a minute, but she then realised that even the safest place in earth, can be letal. Trust is a dangerous feeling, and you have to deal with it carefully, because if you don't, one day you'll end in complete broken pieces.

Author's Note:

I know this is a short chapter, but I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to develop this moment. Do you think that Leah really didn't mean the kiss? Leave your vote and suggestions! I'll see you soon ;)

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