32. Realisation I

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Leah's point of view:

It was raining as usual. When I was a kid I used to watch the raindrops slide down my bedroom window. I was so innocent. Now, almost 20 years later, I watched them again. They rolled as fast as the tears I had in my eyes. It still hurt. Why did it hurt so bad? My thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock at my door. I jumped a little bit, as I had dozen out for a moment and the loud noise scared me slightly. I was such a mess, and there was a bottle of Vodka in the counter that was screaming my name. I knew I shouldn't, I was resisting to the desire of feeling the liquid burn down my throat. I huffed and opened the door without expecting the person behind it— Lucy.

"H-hey Lucy." She looked at me frowning, I knew she was looking at my eye bags and my messy hair.

"You don't seem like you're doing okay, Leah." She stepped inside my house and walked to the sofa. I just stood there, in utter shock. Finally, I closed the door and followed her.

"I-I'm okay Luce, it's just... a tiny setback, you know?" I said numbly. She shook her head and looked at the ground, biting her lip, as if she was somehow in disbelief, or even as if she felt bad for me.

"Don't lie, Leah. I know you're hurt, and I'm here to tell you that Alex didn't mean what she said, she's still reco-." I cut her off. "Lucy, I'm okay. I don't even know if... I-I love her yet." Lucy looked at me in disbelief.

As Lucy sat beside me, her eyes held an understanding that cut through my attempts at self-deception. The air was thick with unspoken truths, and Lucy's next words hung between us, a revelation I wasn't quite ready to embrace.

"Leah, it's okay to admit that you're hurting. You don't have to put on a brave front for anyone."

I sighed, my defenses crumbling, and ran my hands through my disheveled hair. The vodka bottle on the table taunted me, an unspoken invitation to drown the turmoil within me.

"I just didn't expect it to hit this hard, you know? It's like every step forward drags me two steps back." I told her fiddling with my hands.

Lucy stayed in silence during an instant. "Because it's Alex, Leah. That's why it hurts so bad."

I ran my hands through my hair again, a hint of irritation seeping into my voice.

"So what if it's Alex? That doesn't change anything."

Lucy met my gaze with unwavering sincerity. "Leah, you love that girl." My response was immediate, a defense mechanism kicking in. "Yeah, I do. She's an amazing person." I furrowed.

Lucy paused, her eyes holding a truth I couldn't escape.

"No, Leah. You love her. You're in love with that girl."

The realization hung in the air, an acknowledgment I couldn't deny any longer. The weight of unspoken feelings finally found a voice, and as I confronted the depth of my emotions, Lucy stayed by my side—a steady presence in the storm of uncertainty. The vodka bottle remained untouched, a testament to the courage it took to face the truth about the love I had been too afraid to embrace.

Author's note:

I'm back! I hope you like this, if so, leave your vote and comment! Love you all guys <3

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