26. Lilies

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Omniscient Narrator:

Leah's determination to make this day special for Alex led her to a quaint flower shop that seemed like a hidden gem in the heart of the city. The moment she stepped through the door, she was enveloped in a fragrant tapestry of colors and scents. The shop was an exquisite haven of blooming wonders, with shelves and vases brimming with vibrant petals, and the air was thick with the sweet perfume of flowers in full bloom.

As she perused the enchanting displays, a kind, old lady who worked there noticed her and approached with a warm smile that crinkled the corners of her eyes.

"Good afternoon, dear," the lady said, her voice like a soft melody. "Is there something special you're looking for today?"

Leah couldn't help but return the friendly smile. "Yes, actually. I'm trying to find the perfect flowers for someone special."

The lady's eyes sparkled with intrigue. "Ah, love is in the air, I see. Tell me more. Who's the lucky recipient?"

Leah hesitated for a moment but decided to share her feelings. "Her name is Alex. She means the world to me, and I want to make her day even more special."

The old lady's eyes twinkled knowingly. "Love is a beautiful thing, dear. It deserves a beautiful bouquet. Let's find just the right flowers to convey your feelings."

Together, they began their journey through the blossoming wonderland. The old lady guided Leah through an array of flowers, pausing to explain their significance. She introduced her to roses, symbolizing love, and lilies, representing purity, but none seemed quite right.

Finally, they arrived at a stand adorned with an elegant array of calla lilies, their pure white petals gracefully unfurling. The old lady's eyes lit up as she held one out to Leah.

"These are calla lilies," she said, "and they have a profound meaning. They signify beauty, grace, and admiration. But they also represent the idea of appreciating the beauty in your beloved's soul."

Leah gazed at the lily, captivated by its elegant simplicity and the deeper meaning behind it. She knew instantly that this was the perfect choice.

"These are the ones," Leah said with a heartfelt smile. "They're just as beautiful and graceful as Alex herself."

The old lady nodded in agreement, her face radiant with wisdom. "Ah, my dear, it's a lovely choice. Your Alex will appreciate your thoughtfulness, and these calla lilies will convey your feelings beautifully."

Leah felt a deep sense of gratitude for the guidance and warmth of this unexpected ally in her quest to make Alex's day special. As she left the flower shop with the bouquet of calla lilies in hand, she couldn't help but marvel at how love could be found not just in the vibrant petals of flowers but also in the connections and moments shared with kind souls along the way.

Leah closed the door of her car with one hand, she held the flower bouquet with the other one.
Walking to Alex's, she realised that there was one open window. She could see the insight of the house, but just a little bit.
The blonde made her way to the doorway, an enchanting melody could be listened from the outside. She cleared her throat, opened her phone camera and checked if she looked at least half decent. 'What am I even doing...' Leah thought, and with confidence, she pressed the black button of the doorbell.
The sound of the melody stopped abruptly, and there were a few seconds of silence. Leah didn't hear any footsteps, neither the piano sounding again it's enchanting melody. It was just silence.

Leah bit her lip nervously, she rolled up the wrist part of her coat and checked the time on her gold watch. Before she could think about going back to her car and stay there sobbing, the door opened.

Leah gasped, her eyes wide open. "A-are you okay?"Leah asked, tightening her grip on the bouquet of flowers that remained in her hands.

Alex looked at her and smiled weakly, her chocolate eyes, which now had turned darker, were puffy and a tiny bit red. "Yeah." She said softly, nodding with a weak smile on her face.

Leah gulped, she extended the bouquet to the girl. "This is for you." The blonde said quietly, without looking at her, and blushing slightly.
Leah realised that Alex wasn't answering, she raised her gaze from the ground, to look at the girl.
"My eyes are up here, Williamson." Alex chuckled, and tilted her head a little bit.

Leah smiled sheepishly, and looked into her eyes. "They're for you." She repeated, but this time looking at Alex warmly, staring at her soul.

"That's my girl back." Alex said quietly before engulfing her in a hug. Leah froze, her girl? She felt butterflies. "Thank you, they're beautiful." Alex hugged her tightly, Leah felt even more butterflies. When they parted from the hug, Alex grabbed the bouquet gently and smelled the white flowers. "They will fit perfectly next to my piano." Leah smiled at that, and followed Alex, that stepped inside of the house.

Author's Note:

I'll try to write at least 1 long chapter this weekend! Leave your vote and comments, love you all ;)

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