8. Teary Ocean Blue Eyes

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Omniscient Narrator:

Leah walked to her room, without expecting Alex to be there. She closed the door and sighed, she definitely needed a nap. She was about to throw herself to the bed until she saw Alex curled up in a ball. Leah slowly approached the girl resting on the bed. Alex's hair was a little bit messy, and her cheeks were red, as if she had been crying.
Leah looked at her, without knowing what to feel. Should she feel worried? Maybe she could just ignore her, as it was none of her business. In the end, she hated her, right? Maybe she was a little bit harsh with her, why did she suddenly feel worried though? Well, she wasn't certainly sure of what she did felt and what she didn't.

Leah heard someone knocking the door while she played sudoku, as she couldn't sleep. As she opened the door, she could see a nervous Viv.
"Are you okay...?" Leah said without expecting Viv.
"I need to talk with Allie." In that moment, Leah turned around and looked at Alex laying in her bed.
"She's sleeping." Leah said leaning in the doorframe.
"I really need to talk to her." Viv messed with her hands playing with the red bracelet she had in her wrist.
"What did you do now, Vivi?" Leah mocked tilting her head letting the gilr in. Viv sat in the edge of Alex's bed, facing her. Leah was now in her bed playing sudoku on her phone, but interested in Viv's situation.
"Allie." Viv tried to wake Alex up shaking her shoulders gently. Alex opened her eyes, and as soon she saw Viv, she sat on the bed quickly and hugged Viv aggressively, like if she craved her touch.
"Slow down Alex, I just wanted to apologise." Viv said chuckling.
"I'm also sorry, it's just that I don't really like being yelled at..." Leah stopped paying attention to her phone and looked at the two girls. The blonde felt bad for Alex for an instant, but her though was brushed off as her phone went off, his brother Jacob was calling. She left the room, leaving Viv and Alex alone.
"We're going to the beach to watch the sunset with some of the girls, are you up for it?" Viv said changing the subject as she heard Leah closed the door while talking to someone on her phone.
"Of course!" Alex said rubbing her eyes, that were itchy due to the tears her eyes spilled hours ago.
"Then, get ready we're leaving in an hour." Viv said ruffing Alex's messy hair.

Alex's Point Of View:

"Yo una tomaré agua, por favor. (I'll have some water, please.)" I said with a noticeable British accent.
"Perfecto. (Perfect.)" The waiter winked and smiled at me. The girls looked at me raising their eyebrows, very confused.
"So... You speak Spanish?" Manuela said raising an eyebrow. I nodded, before answering.
"Yeah, I do. Well, only a little bit." I scratched my neck.
"I swear this kid can do anything. She plays football, the guitar, the drums and the piano, she can spend hours in the gym without complaining, and she can speak Spanish! Do you have any other hobbies?" Lia mocked.
"Yeah, actually. I own a dropshipping business, nothing huge though. Oh, and I also speak Italian." Last year, I struggled with money, my parents forced me to give them part of my salary, leaving me with a minor part of money. So I decided to try to get some money in another way that wasn't football. My business was a bonus, not too much though. My parents finally put an end to the idea of trying to get my money from my salary, but I kept running the business in my free time.
"Dropshipping...? What the fuck is that...?" Jill asked.
"Basically I search for providers and buy their products, then I sell them, but increasing the price. When I sell the products, the provider gets his money, and I get the resting one." I said crossing my arms and getting comfortable in my seat.
"That's smart." Caitlin gave her opinion.
"It's not fair for the people that buy it, though." Leah said trying to embarrass me.
"Well, I only get clients for the providers and get some money. I need some kind of reward, don't I?" I said without letting the blonde embarrass me.
"Yeah, it's a smart idea." Katie talked.
"It's not smart, I'm smart." I winked an eye to Leah, to piss her off.
"How many money are talking about? Monthly?" Lia said getting interested.
"Around 1500£ per month." I told them insignificantly. I could see Leah looking at me with surprise.
"Not bad for a kid." Leah said now looking at me in the eyes. She brought the other day's argument topic on purpose, making me shut up. The girls noticed what was happening and a awkward silence invaded the table we were sat in. Suddenly, the waiter appeared and gave everyone it's drink.
"Here you have." He said giving me the water bottle and a glass, touching my arm carefully before leaving. I poured water in my glass, before I could take a sip, I saw the girls staring at me in disbelief.
"Are you guys okay?" I said raising an eyebrow before taking a sip.
"Seriously?" Beth laughing, making me question what happened.
"What do you mean." I say taking another sip.
"This hot waiter was literally flirting with you! How can't you see that!" Katie said still in disbelief.
"He was winking at you before, now he touched your arm on purpose." Lia added.
"Oh, did he?" I say leaving the glass in the table and getting comfortable in my chair.
"Yes!" Manuela, Viv, Caitlin, Lotte and Lia said in unison, as Leah rolled her eyes.
"Oh." Is all I said. Making Beth shake her head still in disbelief.
"Aren't you going to flirt back or something? He's hot as fuck." Lotte looked at the guy that was now in the bar preparing a drink.
"No." I said as if it was obvious.
"Why?" Danielle intervened. I went silent for a moment, thinking my answer.
"I prefer tits. Dicks make me feel sick." I stated grabbing the glass and taking a final sip, now finishing all the water. Viv was about to answer but she kept her mouth opened, surprised.
"What?" I furrowed.
"No-nothing, it's just you look so..." Lia tried to say but she didn't finish the sentence.
"Straight." Lotte said still not believing what I said.
"Oh, do I?." I said indifferently and everyone nodded.
"Watch out! I think he's coming again!" Lotte said looking at the waiter that walked to our table. I rolled my eyes.
"Everything okay in here? Does anyone want anything else?" He asked as he approached me.
"We're alright, thanks." Leah said smiling, so he could go away, but as he was about to leave, he gave me a little paper discreetly, everyone saw it though.
The boy was well built, his hair was curly and brown, his eyes were green. Huge biceps peeked through the sleeves of his white T-shirt, as he looked at me smiling confidently. When he walked away, I opened the paper and laughed under my breath.
'@aleixperez' it was his instagram. A couple seconds later, I broke the paper and left it in the ashtray that was in the middle of the table.
"That's so bitchy by your part, Alex." Leah said irritated and I shrugged my shoulders.
"We should get going, it's already 8 pm." Danielle looked at her watch.
"Aleix! La cuenta, por favor! (Aleix! The bill, please!)"I called the waiter. He quickly came to our table.
"That'll be..." He calculated all the drinks we had.
"22,30€. Here you go." He said putting the card terminal on the table.
"Drinks are on me today, guys." I say paying with my credit card.
"Thanks, hope to see you soon." Aleix said walking away, of course without forgetting to wink at me for a last time.

After having dinner, I walked to my room, after saying goodnight to everyone. While I used the lift, I realised that I had forgotten about everything for some hours, and that was good. Deep, deep down, I thought that maybe, only maybe, arsenal could also become a family, like the one I used to have in Manchester. I got to the hotel room, put my pyjama bottoms on and took my shirt off, leaving me in sport bra. As I brushed my teeth, I heard the door open and close, then some steps around the room. After leaving the bathroom, I saw an upset Leah sitting in the edge of her bed, while looking at the window. I carefully walked to her, even knowing she didn't really like me. I sat next to her, keeping some distance, but probably the first time we've ever been that close at each other.
I took a deep breath, inhaling the breeze that entered the room through the window.
"It's unbelievably beautiful. Isn't it?" I say looking through the window. The landscape of the dark, starry night reflected in my eyes. She didn't answer, she wiped a tear that rolled down her cheek.
I didn't want to push her to tell me what was going on, so I changed the subject.
"Do you ever wonder what's out there?" I say as I looked up at the stars, which were shining brightly in the beautiful Barcelona nightscape.
"It's dizzying, don't you think? The world is so big and we're so small and insignificant..." My eyes still didn't leave the beautiful landscape.
"We're just humans. Out there there may be thousands of stars, and things that unfortunately we'll never get to see. That's a part I hate of life, you know?" I say before looking at her. She didn't dare to look at me, she kept her eyes locked in the landscape. A breeze made her blonde hair sway slowly, making her put it behind her ear.
"Maybe, in a future, people can teleport, or own flying cars. Unfortunately, I think I'll never ge to see that. Same as you, no offence." I say chuckling in the end of the sentence, Leah still not answering, now looking at her feet.
"It's okay feeling bad sometimes." I sighed, now staring at Leah's teary ocean blue eyes. The room was filled with silence, the lights were off. The only illumination that was present on the room, was the brightness of the moon. I stared at the blonde's eyes trying to figure out what was she exactly feeling. Her gaze was brightened by the light of the moon, making her eyes look even more beautiful than they usually are. And yes, Leah may not be my favourite person, but she always looked effortlessly gorgeous.
'Wait. Wasn't I supposed to hate her?' I thought for a second. But as soon as I focused my eyes on hers again... I couldn't do it. I couldn't hate her. Something was telling me not to hate her, like if it wasn't worth it.
Why though? After everything she said to me without knowing anything about me. Did she deserve my respect? Leah being Leah, told me she wasn't worth it. But when I looked at her in the eyes, I swear to god, they were telling me quietly to forgive her.

Author's Note:

I really enjoyed writing this chapter. Watching some of the characters develop is something that fascinates me. What do you think about Alex's opinion of Leah? Leave your vote suggestions or comments! I'll post soon! Hope you are enjoying this :)

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