29. Tottenham

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Alex's point of view:

"I told you." Her warm hands were cupping my cheeks. Our foreheads were against each other, I could even hear her heartbeat without touching her chest. Her blue eyes remembered me of the coast, the ocean, the blue ocean, the beautiful ocean. As soon I fixated my gaze into hers, my heart sunk like an anchor into the depths of the sea, not in a bad way, of course. I got lost in her ocean eyes. They consumed me, and I loved it.

Omniscient Narrator:

Her eyes hurt a little bit when she opened them, the barks of a dog had woken her up. Here eyes were heavy, she just wanted to close them and sleep. Until she remembered it was matchday. Her alarm was set at 6:30 am, and it was 6 am, but anyways, she hopped off her bed and made her way downstairs. After turning on the TV on to wake her up a little bit, she looked through her big window in the living room. It was still dark, the street lamps were on, one of them in front of her house blinking a little bit.

While her coffee machine prepared her coffee, she went to grab her home dressing gown. Going down the stairs she could already smell her coffee, that was ready by that moment. She put her gown and some adidas sliders on, before wrapping her hands around the hot cup of coffee. She walked to the front door and opened it, to lean on the doorframe and look at the street.

It was chilly, and pouring a little bit. The light from the street lamps made the little drops of rain visible, which was oddly satisfying for Alex. She watched them fall, and disappear in the air, with her hands around her warm drink, leaning in the doorframe.

"I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours..." At this point, both Katie and Alex were singing at the top of their lungs.The bus was filled with the sound of their performance.

Their teammates were trying to nap, failing in the attempt. "Oh my god, CAN YOU BOTH SHUT YOUR MOUTHS?!" Viv yelled angrily, jumping from her seat. Katie and Alex shared a look. "I WANNA BE YOURS I WANNA BE YOOOURS, YOOUURS..."

"I'm so done." Viv rolled her eyes and sat in her place before closing her eyes to try to get some sleep.

Before the highly anticipated match against Tottenham, the atmosphere in the Arsenal women's football locker room was charged with a mix of excitement and determination. The players laced up their boots, exchanged encouraging glances, and shared motivating words.

Kim Little, the team captain, addressed her teammates with unwavering conviction. "This is it. The North London Derby. Our chance to shine, to show our love for this club and our incredible fans. Let's go out there and give it everything we've got. For each other, for our supporters, and for Arsenal."

The teammates nodded in agreement, their spirits soaring. With unity and passion, they stepped onto the pitch. The crowd roared with excitement as the game kicked off.

"And we're underway in this North London Derby! The rivalry between Arsenal and Tottenham runs deep, and we're in for a treat today."

"That's right! Arsenal's Alex, in particular, has been a standout performer in the starting of this season. She's been instrumental in their attack."

As the match progressed, Alex showcased her brilliance on the field. Her precise passes and calculated moves put immense pressure on Tottenham's defense.

"Alex with a superb through-ball to Caitlin Foord! The Arsenal attack is on fire today."

"She's truly a maestro in the midfield, controlling the game with her vision and passing."

Alex's performance didn't go unnoticed by her teammates either. Leah, at the heart of the Arsenal defense, communicated with precision.

"Keep it up Alex!" Leah shouted due to the distance between them.

"Let's fucking go." Alex said under her breath, ready to give her best.

The match was a fierce battle, but the teamwork and determination of the Arsenal women's football team shone through. The big scoreboard showed the 0-0. Tottenham's defence was being brilliant, they didn't let slip one single ball. But a goal from Katie McCabe from outside of the box made the whole entire fans stand up and cheer.

The Irish player ran to the corner flag and opened her arms to the crowd, who jumped in excitement. Alex managed to run as fast as she cold to the player and jumped on her back.

"That was crazy!" Alex was being piggybacked by Katie, who was smiling widely. After some hugs with the girls, the game started again. They had to be 100% focused, one single mistake would lead them to a draw.

A short pass was sent to Lotte, who sent a long ball to Kim Little. Within a couple seconds, Alex had managed to run to a free space. Her speed was something that many player wish that could possess, same as her ability to dribble 2 defenders at once, or create spaces for her teammates. Everyone said she had a Hawk Eye, as her ability with spotting her teammates without even looking, or talking, never seemed unnoticed.

"Little with a long pass into a free space. What a run from Russell!"

The ball was then at her feet, one defender against her. She was fast, really fast, so she started running again, without looking back.


When everything seemed perfect, a body collided with her. And due to the speed that she was going, the impact was hard.

Hard enough to send her flying over the barrier that led to the stands. Everyone watched it in slow motion, some fans moved away a little bit when they saw the girl about to collide with the barrier.

Everything was silent, the only sound that the whole stadium could hear in that moment was a loud groan from the player.

Everyone stood still, some of them gasping. The silence was deafening, so deafening, that some people sweared they could hear the typical beep, but this time, louder.

Leah's Point Of View:

I stood still. My lip quivering. Everything went silent, but the cries of a little girl broke the loud noise of the silence.

I ran. I ran as if life was about to end in seconds. Some of my teammates followed me. Everyone was recording with their phones, and I was about to break down right in there. Until I saw her. She laid on the floor, behind the barrier, a little pool of blood surrounded her head.

I jumped the barrier, my whole body shaking. Katie asked me for help, to carry Alex to the field. As we did, we heard Jonas and almost all the players screaming for help.

"Where's the medical staff?! Hurry up!" Jonas was screaming to a guard who nodded and started talking through his walkie-talkie.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit." I said under my breath, my voice was shaky. My teammates bent down, and as soon as they saw a gap of blood in her head, they started panicking, Lia had tears in her eyes.

"We need an ambulance!" Kim shouted to Jonas, who gave her a concerning look and nodded. He walked off, to search the medical staff, who for some reason wasn't there.

I searched for her pulse, and I let out a sight of relief when I sensed that she was breathing and her pulse was regular.

"Alex? Can you hear me?" I stroked her hair with my shaky hands. I didn't get a response. Until seconds later, she started coughing a little bit.

"Alex? Alex!" At this point I was freaking out, I grabbed her hand. "Alex please, please be okay." I muttered under my breath. She squeezed my hand. And just like that, the medical staff finally came, shouting. "Stay away! Stay away!"

They managed to make her open her eyes, she looked weak.

"Alex, can you hear me?" A medic asked her. "Yes." Alex finally talked, her lower lip was quivering.

"Alright, can you answer some questions for us? You're doing great." Another medic spoke, and before they could get an answer, they asked. "How old are you?"

"N-nineteen." The medics looked at me. I knew it was bad. Really, really bad.

"She's 21." I managed to say.

Authors Note:

Leave your vote and suggestions! Sorry for the cliffhanger, love you all! :)

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