15. Just Shut Up And Don't Let Go

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Omniscient Narrator:

The awkward silence was interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Alex stood up quickly to get out of the situation, but slightly confused. Who would be knocking her door? Before opening the door, she tried to take a deep breath and wipe away a silent tear that rolled down her cheek. The brunette opened the door, on the other side of the door stood the last person Alex expected to be there.
Georgia held a bouquet of flowers and and brought a bag with her. Georgia didn't know what to say, neither Alex, they shared a look, a look that spoke the unspoken words of the endlessly days that passed by both of them spent thinking about each other. Georgia's eyes started to tear up, making Alex heart flinch. The girl dropped the bags and the bouquet to the floor, to embrace Alex in a hug, without a warning. During a second, Alex didn't react, but suddenly, her arms seemed to react and snaked around Georgia's torso. Georgia's face hid in Alex's neck, releasing every single emotion that she had held in for the past days.
"I'm sorry." Georgia sobbed, her grip tightened. Alex was crying as well, feeling every emotion that her best friend was experiencing.
Because that hug. That hug, was the definition of pure.
"Just shut up and don't let go."
"I won't." Georgia answered, her head still hid in the girls neck. Eventually, they pulled apart, but their eyes were still locked, yet speaking the unspoken words that never left their mouths during the past days. The blonde collected her bag and the bouquet, that was a little bit messy due to the impact with the floor from earlier. It was worth it though, everything was worth it when it came to be about Georgia and Alex, Alex and Georgia.
"Come on, let's go inside." Alex finally spoke, and the other girl nodded.
"L-Leah?" Georgia stuttered, as soon as she saw the blonde sitting in the sofa, with her head between her hands.
"Oh, hi Georgia." Leah moved from the sofa to hug Georgia. The girl knew something was wrong, as she sensed tension between Alex and Leah.
"Alright, eh... I think I'm going to leave." Leah said grabbing her phone, that since then had been in the sofa. Alex nodded without looking at her, making obvious for the other girl that something had happened.
"I'll see you tomorrow, I guess..." Leah said before leaving the living room.
"I'll see you around, bye." The brunette said without looking at her, again. As soon as Georgia heard the door close, she spat out.
"What the hell did just happen?!"
"I don't want to talk about it, just... Leave it." Alex said, and Georgia furrowed her eyebrows before sitting in the comfortable sofa.
"Your house looks even nicer with furniture. The last time I was here it was almost empty..." Georgia scanned her surroundings as she walked inspecting the house.
"I agree." Alex chuckled, sitting next to Georgia. The blonde's phone started pinging, but the girl looked at the screen and turned off her phone again.
"You have a special delivery, by the way." She laughed.
"What?" Alex furrowed, tilting her head to a side.
"Go open the door." Georgia smiled widely and patted her shoulder softly. Alex ran to the door and opened it as fast as she could.
"Keira! Lucy!"
"Surprise!" They both said in unison, they were carrying a big box. Alex couldn't hold some of her tears back and ended up tearing a bit as she hugged them. After some minutes of emotional speeches, Keira told Alex to open the big box.
"Okay, now we're all here, you can open the box." Keira spoke, moving the huge box closer to Alex. Everyone sat in the sofa, and Alex had bent down to open the box.
"No fucking way." She said, staring to tear up a bit. They watched her with a smile on their faces. Before opening the box completely, Alex threw herself into the three girl's arms.
"Thank you so much, this means a lot to me." Her voice broke.
"It's the less we could do, go open it!" Lucy was also tearing a bit. Alex bent down again to finish unpacking the object from the box. And there she was, holding her old electric guitar. It was blue coloured, and it had a few scratches from the past.
Alex held it as if the object was made of glass, remembering all the good memories she had playing it.

"And then... Well, it's difficult..." Alex tried to explain. Keira furrowed her eyebrows, and then shared a look of concern with Lucy and Georgia.
"Tell me you two didn't..." Lucy spoke.
"The thing is... That we did, we did kiss." Alex explained and Georgia let out a sigh.
"What did she say after?" Keira asked.
"Eh, well... She said it didn't mean anything."
"What?!" Georgia spat out, making everyone jump a little bit.
"She can't do that!" Keira said, throwing her arms to the air.
"Well, she did, but fortunately Alex didn't catch feelings. That would had been really fucked up..." Lucy said chuckling, but she soon received death stares by Georgia, Keira and Alex.
"What?" She asked.
"Oh shit. You did!" She realised.
"Oh my god..." Georgia put her face in her own hands, sighing.
"That's really fucked up..." She repeated.
"No shit." Keira rolled her eyes before side hugging Alex that was now sitting awkwardly next to her in the sofa.

Alex's Point Of View:

"Do you even use this room?" Lucy asked, as she walked in the room. It was curious, Leah asked the same exact question an hours ago. I instantly thought about her and a deja vu was present in my mind. Leah's blue eyes, locked in my gaze.
"Aleeeeeex." Lucy repeated, making clear that I zoned out for a second.
"What?" I asked frustrated.
"I asked if do you use this room for something, there's only a table, drawers and this thing that I don't know what the fuck is used for." Lucy said inspecting the object.
"First of all, yes. I do use this room. And second of all, that's a guitar stand, you dumbass..."
"Ooooh! I knew it!"
"I also may order a piano, I miss playing good music." I said, closing a drawer that was opened.
"If by good music you mean depressing songs from the 18th century, you're wrong. You have your musical taste in your ass."
"Hey! David Kushner is not from the 18th century! He's even younger than you!"
"Yes, but his music is depressing!" Lucy said back, it was kind of true.
"Whatever...I'll be right back, I'm going to check on Georgia and Keira." I said getting out of the room, leaving Lucy there.
"Okay!" I heard Lucy telling me, still pacing around the room. I headed down the stairs to meet with my two friends sitting in the sofa.
"Oh, hey. I thought you two were having some tea...?" I said confused, and they chuckled.
"No we're not, we're talking about what happened. You know, with Le-."
"I know, just leave it. It's okay." I reassured, but they insisted.
"Al, come here." Georgia said making space for me in the sofa with them. Georgia took my hand and forced me to cuddle with her. Keira chuckled at this.
"You know what we talked about before you left Manchester?" Georgia asked, as I placed my head in her chest and she held me in her arms. I nodded, I knew exactly what she said.

"So, after Leah and I kissed, everything just... fell apart. I don't know what to do." I tried to explain, my voice was trembling.
"It's okay, Alex. We're here for you. Take your time and tell us what happened." Keira got closer to Georgia and me, slightly joining out cuddle.
"Yeah, Alex, don't hold back. We want to help and support you through this."
"Well, after we kissed, it was like this magical moment, you know? We were so close, and it felt like something special. But then Leah's phone rang, and it was Jordan, who I thought that was Leah's ex, I thought that they were over! She seemed upset." I said trying not to cry.
"Go on, Alex. What happened next?" Georgia continued.
"Leah told Jordan she was with me, here, but Jordan wanted to talk about something urgent. I tried not to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help overhearing some of it."
"What were they talking about, Alex?" Keira asked, looking concerned.
"I couldn't catch everything, but it sounded like Jordan was jealous because Leah was spending time with me. Leah seemed torn between staying with me and going to Jordan. And then after she hung up, she just... said the kiss didn't mean anything. I was so shocked. It felt like she was pushing me away, like it was all a mistake." Georgia and Keira were now comforting me by squeezing my hand, or staving little shapes in my back with their fingers.
"It was... I felt like my heart was breaking. I tried to be strong and not show how much it hurt, but it's been eating me up inside."

Authors Note:

I know this is short, but I'll try to update soon! Leave your vote and your comment! Love ya guys ;)

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