17. Two Of Them

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Omniscient Narrator:

The arsenal girls were having breakfast in the canteen of the facilities. Beth was spreading butter on a toast, struggling to keep her eyes open. The coffee machine was broken, and the problem was taking its toll on her and her teammates.
They all looked tired, which seemed funny for Jonas, as he told them they looked like zombies as soon as he got to the canteen to have his every day's croissant.
Beth took a bite of the crunchy toast, making everyone that was on the table look at her.

"I hate mornings." Beth munching the toast, the girls looked at her with approval, they all nodded. Jill took a sip of her orange juice, making a disgusted face as she liked to drink coffee in the mornings.
Danielle ate an apple, the sound of her chewing the fruit annoyed her and the girls that were on the table. There was a huge silence in the room, everyone was on mute, and they only spoke to complain about how they hated mornings.

"Wait, where's Alex?" Lia asked with a grumpy voice and started looking around the room. Instinctively, everyone looked at Leah, who was eating some scrambled eggs. She was looking down at her plate, munching her food. As soon as she felt the eyes of her teammates on her, she shrugged, still looking at her almost empty plate.

"You're supposed to know...? I thought you spent the night with her. You know, after you left Kat-."

"I don't fucking know, Caitlin." Leah spat out, hitting her fork on her plate slightly. Caitlin looked at the blonde shocked.

"Someone's grumpy today..." Katie said under her breath, but the other could her her due to the silence in the room.

"Yeah..." Beth said before taking another bite of her toast. The noise of the door opening and closing gained everyone's attention. Alex walked with her training kit and black arsenal shorts. She felt so energetic and as soon she saw everyone in such a mood, she decided to grab an apple from a bowl of fruit and go to talk with them. As she made her way towards her teammates, she tossed the apple in the air, then caught it and took a bite that echoed around the room.

"Morning guys." Alex sat next to Danielle. She saw Leah, and it was supposed to hurt her, but at the moment, it didn't. She was so hyped, as if she was on top of the world. She had sex with Chiara, and kind of forgot Leah for a moment.

"Can you just shut the fu-." Lia started to be interrupted by Katie, who took a sip of her pineapple juice before talking.

"How do you feel? You know, after what happened yesterday..." Katie carefully said. Alex seemed to meditate her answer with a huge grin in her face, she nodded her head slowly.

"I'm alright, well, I'm fucking fine. Life doesn't stop getting better ya' know?" Alex said before taking a bite of her apple. She left everyone confused, after what happened the last day, the girls thought that she would be devastated, but she was not. And that was due to Chiara.

Beth and Katie took a break from lifting weights, and sat on the floor. They grabbed their water bottles and took some sips, they were exhausted.

"Fucking hell." Katie said trying to recompose her breathing. Alex finished her weight lifting exercises, everyone was still doing them. She walked to the exhausted girls, a smirk on her face as she saw how tired they looked and she was anything but tired.
She grabbed her water bottle, that was on the floor. She took a sip and took her shirt off. She didn't do it on purpose, it was a bloody hot day, but trying to make Leah regret her decisions was a plus.
She stood in front of the two girls, that were taking a break sitting on the floor.

"Alright, alright Alex... We already know you're so fucking fit but there's no need to take your shirt off!" Beth mocked loudly, making a lot of people of the room chuckle.

"I swear I didn't do it on purpose, it's so fucking hot today." She replied confidently.

"Do you have any boyfriend? Or girlfriend?" Katie asked curiously, making the room mute for an instant, waiting for Alex's answer. The brunette chuckled and shook her head confidently.

"Already asking me on a date, McCabe?" She said before taking a sip of her water. Everyone chuckled at the girls answer, except Leah, who couldn't stop overthinking what happened last day. Did she wasted an opportunity?

"What can I say, your six pack and your biceps are irresistible." The Irish player joked.

"Thank ya' hun, lots of girls had already told me." Alex joked back, but she somehow sounded kind of serious. Her confidence was growing wider and wider.

"Woah woah! Looks like Allie may have a girl wrapped around her finger!" Beth cheered.
Alex shook her head and chucked. She looked at Leah, who was now getting off the treadmill and winked at her. Leah blushed and quickly broke her eye contact with the girl. Alex was now starting to hurt internally, remembering the warmth of Leah's lips and her embrace. But she wanted to play it cool, and it was working, everyone thought she was fine.

"Actually, two, two of them." Alex said, before winking an eye, but this time to Beth.


Author's Note:

Drama is about to start... Leave your vote and suggestions! I'll possibly update today!

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