6. Grow Up

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Alex's Point Of View:

"What the fuck is wrong is wrong with you?" Leah shouted. Her shirt was covered with the protein smoothie she brought in her hand just before I bumped with her.
"I'm so sorry, let me help you. I can give you my shir-" I started rambling before being cut by her.
"Just go away." She said storming off the room. I followed her, she was walking to the bathrooms.
I opened the door, and heard the water run down a sink. She looked at me rolling her eyes, god, she loved to do that every time she saw me.
"I told you to go away." Leah said trying to wipe all the smoothie she had on her shirt. I started taking my shirt off, earning a confused look by Leah.
"Here." I handed her my shirt.
"You can have it back, I don't want your stupid shirt." She said quietly, not looking at me.
"May I ask you something?" I questioned crossing my arms and looking at Leah incensed. She looked at me, and then continued wiping the dirt off her shirt without answering my question.
"Why do you hate me so much?" I spit out, still shirtless. This caught Leah's attention, she looked at me and let a sarcastic laughter.
"Really, Alex?"
"Yes, Leah, I'm for real."
"Seriously you're asking this?" Leah said offended.
"Yes. What's the matter?"
"Why the fuck do you behave like a fucking kid? Like, Alex! You're 18!" Leah shouted as she threw the wet paper to the bin in anger.
"What? I'm not a child." I said, my voice trembling.
"Well, I can't say the same, you behave like one."
"What? No!"
"The girls treat you like a damn child! How can't you realise? Katie had to put you in bed like as if you were 5 or something!"
"I didn't decide to! I was asleep!" I complained. This was such a stupid argument, and I was sure that the girls could hear us from the dinning room.
"You're so immature, Alex. I guess your parents never taught you that, you're a fucking spoilt child!"
I froze, still not believing what she told me. A spoilt child.
"Grow. The fuck. Up!" She shouted, and I started backing up slowly, my hands were shaking and the shirt I had in my hand this whole time had fallen to the floor due to the trembling of my hands.
"Go away." Leah said without looking at me, now she spoke quietly. I grabbed my shirt and left the bathroom, I ran without looking back. I went to the changing rooms, as nobody was there. I opened the door harshly and leaned in my locker.
'Maybe she is right, in a certain way, I'm kind of spoilt, or broken.' I thought. I smashed my fist against the locker as I shouted.
"Fuck it!"
I grabbed my water bottle and went straight to the gym. I started running on the treadmill, while thinking all the things she said. I ran as fast as I could, my legs were about to give up, until I slipped my toe. The treadmill was going at such a high speed, I was boosted to the floor. I let a groan and got up in pain. I grabbed my water bottle to splash water to my face. I threw the bottle next to my shirt, and walked to the pull up bar and started doing pull ups, as my legs had gave up.

Omniscient Narrator:

"Grow the fuck up!" The girls heard a yell that came from another room. They looked at each other, they knew who was shouting, but they weren't kind of expecting it.
"Is that Leah?" Lotte asked.
"Yeah, I think so." Danielle said beginning to walk out of the dinning room.
She walked through the hallway, where some of the facilities were connected with each other. She saw Leah walking fast to the dinning room, her shirt was a little bit soaked. When she saw Leah, she turned around and started going after her. Daan tried to catch her up, but the blonde walked too fast, and Daan had short legs.
"Leah, wait!" Daan said jogging to get next to Leah.
"What do you want, Daan." Leah said sighing.
"What happened?"
"Nothing, someone was being annoying and I put her in her place."
"Alex?" Daan asked as they entered the dinning room.
"Why would you do that?" Beth asked from the distance knowing what happened, she wasn't happy at all.
"I'm actually fed up, guys. What's the problem? I do not like her! That's it! Is it that difficult?"
"God Leah, she's just 18! You can't do that!" Manuela spit out.
"She's not a fucking kid!"
"Well, but she is in a complete new city, without her friends neither family. Maybe she just needs a little bit of help, you know?" Lia started.
"Where is she?" Katie asked.
"I don't know, I told her to go away and she did as I told her to." Leah crossed her arms and looked at the floor, leaning in her chair with cockiness.
Beth huffed as she walked off, Katie was with her.
"Why is she going so harsh with her?" Katie asked.
"I don't know, but it looks like Leah was very angry."

"Allie!" Beth said out of breath as she entered the gym. Alex continued doing push ups, her arms were burning in pain.
"Just leave me alone." Alex groaned as she lifted herself.
"Holy shit." Katie said looking at Alex. She kept doing push ups like nothing.
"Alex." Beth said, this time Alex stopped and hopped off the bar.
"Yes?" She said without looking at Beth neither Katie in their eyes.
"What happened?" Katie said walking to her slowly to reach her hand and squeeze it.
"Nothing that I didn't deserve." The girl mumbled under her breath.
"Leah is not like that, Alex." Beth stated, but then, Alex looked at her in her soft blue eyes. Beth could see weakness in Alex's dark brown eyes.
"She's not like what? Did you even hear how she was talking to me?" Alex started speaking fast, as some tears threatened to flow from her eyes.
The two other girls just kept quiet, without knowing what to say.
"Alex, trust me, she's not like that." Beth affirmed taking a step forward her and hugged her tightly, without saying a word.
"She hates me." Alex said as a tear rolled down her cheek, but nobody could see it as her head was buried in Beth's neck.
"We'll talk to her, don't worry." Katie said while smiling a little bit as she saw the two girls hug.
"Okay." Alex said quietly without getting off Beth's grip.

We had a group meeting with Jonas the same afternoon. We were sat in a dark room, as Jonas talked showing his plans for this season with a PowerPoint that was being projected to a big white screen.
"We start preseason in 3 days, and we thought about travelling a little bit and start preparing our season. Because, this is our season, our fucking season." Jonas said clapping his hands, as the girls cheered. The screen showed an Europe map, and Jonas pointed a country, Spain.
"Our next destination is Barcelona. We'll play a friendly match against them, and we'll also do some team bonding while visiting the city for one week." He smiled at the idea.
"We hope you like our preseason project, we're going to enjoy it." When he finished most of the girls cheered.

Alex's Point Of View:

"I'm going to Barcelona in three days!" I told Lucy while I drove back to my house.
"You're lucky, we're hosting a small tournament with some teams of France." She answered.
"Not bad." I said while parking my car in front of my house.
"Yeah, not bad! By the way, I have to go now. I'm going to the physio to check my ankle, it was a little bit sore today."
"Okay, see you."
"Bye Al, love you." She hung up.
I realised there was a parcel on the floor, right in front of the door. I grabbed it, it wasn't heavy. I opened the door and left my bag next to the door, I ran to the living room and put the parcel on the table. There was a little paper sticked to the parcel with celo tape. 'For Alex.' I opened it, not believing what was inside. There were some photos of me while in training, in the car, and also there was a photo that was taken from a security camera. Me doing push ups in the gym. Then, I saw something different, there was a letter envelope. I opened it, my hands were shaking slightly.
'Dear Alex, we are sending you this as a warning. We'll be coming to Barcelona with you! Exciting, isn't it? By the way, we have a surprise for you, you have a little box outside your house.
Enjoy it!'
My hand dropped the letter and I ran to look through my window. I saw a tiny box, nearly impossible to see it due to the night darkness.
I opened my door slowly, not sure to step out of my house. I took a step and left the door open, I walked down the little steps and crouched to pick the box.
I opened it, but for my surprise, it was completely empty.
"What the fu-" I said under my breath and then felt someone cover my mouth and pushing me against him. He hold me firmly, without letting me move.
He had his hand on my mouth, so by instinct I bit his hand. He let go the hand and pushed me making me fall to the cold ground. It was a man, he was wearing a black hoodie, grey bottoms, and his face was covered with a ski mask, I couldn't see his face. I backed up, still on the floor trying to get up. His hand was bleeding, and he growled in pain. Before I could do anything else he approached me and grabbed my hands. I started moving, but it was useless. He punched my face, making my eyes water as I got hit in the nose. Then, he stood up quickly and I saw him running down the street.
I touched my nose, that was bleeding, making my fingers stain with blood. I got up and walked to my house, feeling a little bit dizzy from the impact.
I made sure to lock all the doors and windows as I got there, then, I went to the bathroom to clean myself up. I looked at myself in the mirror of the bathroom, my face was stern, and I still had a runny nose. I had a little scratch on my arm, due to the impact when I fell to the floor.
Barcelona was going to be definitely a fun journey.

Author's Note:

Short chapter, but I'll try to release more often. Hope you like it, if you do, leave your vote and suggestions :) What do you think that will happen with Alex?

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