10. The Beauty Of Chaos

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Omniscient Narrator:

"A-Alex?" Leah stuttered kneeling down. Alex looked at her in the eyes, she could see Leah was scared.
"What the fuck happened?" The blonde's hands were now shaking heavily.
"I'm okay, Leah." Alex said trying to press her wounds with her white Arsenal hoodie.
"I'm going to call Beth, okay?" Leah's voice was trembling and she tried to call Beth, but her hands were too shaky.
"Don't!" Alex groaned in pain. Leah looked at her confused. "W-Why? You're bleeding! And it's raining!"
Alex shook her head, clenching her jaw in pain.
"It's my fault, this is my fault." The brunette said trying not to cry. "What do you mean? Did you get into a fight?"
"Leah..." Alex started before being interrupted by the blonde. Leah shook her head in disbelief, worry in her eyes. "Tell me you didn't. You're so stupid!" Leah said as she pressed the hoodie in the wound the girl had in her stomach. "I'm sorry." Alex's tears mingled with the raindrops that slid down her face.
"Why? Why would you do that! You're so, ugh! You're so immatu-" Leah was cut by Alex.
"They threatened me, Leah." Alex clenched her jaw before letting a loud sob in pain.

There were they. In the middle of a street in the big city of Barcelona, while it rained heavily.
"Why did you put yourself in danger? Alex! Why!" Leah said in a mixture of anger and concern.
"Because I can't stand seeing you hurt."
"H-Hurt?! I'm already hurting seeing you like this!" A tear escaped from Leah's eyes.
"I don't hate you, Leah. That's why." Alex let out and smiled weakly as she wiped away Leah's tears with her thumb.
"After everything we've been through?" Leah sobbed, looking at Alex in her chocolate eyes.
"I never hated you, Leah. Even when I couldn't show it." Alex rubbed her thumb on Leah's cheek smiling weakly, clearly in pain.
"And instead of telling me, you fought in this dangerous situation?" Leah said still in disbelief.
"It was the only way to protect you, I wanted to keep you safe." Alex told her above a whisper.
"And you think this is what I wanted? You, bleeding in the rain?"
"N-No! I didn't know what else to do!" Alex let out a sob.
"We could've faced everything together. Or ask for help! You didn't have to carry this burden alone."
"Huh?" Alex said confused.
"Holy crap, is everything supposed to go dark?"Alex said starting to blink her eyes repeatedly.
"Shit." Leah said under her breath.
"Just joking!" Alex laughed softly, still clenching her jaw in pain. "You idiot." Leah laughed a little bit, but still crying.
"Let's go, I have a first aid kit in my suitcase." Alex said trying to stand up.
"Careful." Leah helped the brunette to stand up and they vegan to walk to the hotel.

Alex's Point Of View:

Leah had her arm around my waist and she helped me to walk carefully. We got in through the back door, so anyone could see the mess. As soon as we got to our room, Leah began to search the kit in my suitcase.

I sat was sitting in the bed while Leah tried to clean my wounds.
"I need you to stay still." Leah said while disinfecting the stabs.
"I'm trying." I said clenching my jaw. Leah grabbed my hand and squeezed it, making me relax. She sent me a quick soft smile before continuing.
Leah put gauzes in my wounds and handed me my shirt back.
"Thanks." I said without looking at the blonde. She nodded and went to the bathroom to wash her hands. I sat in the edge of my bed, looking at the nightscape through the window. This time, there wasn't a single star in the sky, it was all dark, it was raining heavily and you could hear a thunder coming soon.
"You should call Georgia." Leah got out of the bathroom and sat next to me in the bed.
"I don't know." I said opening my phone and watching the lock screen wallpaper of me and Georgia.

"Look, I don't know why you didn't tell me. I don't get it." Georgia said angrily making my heart flinch.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to worry you, I thought yo-" Georgia cut me.
"No, Alex. Earn that, I thought you trusted me."
"I do trust you!" I said in the verge of tears.
"Well, I can't say the same!" Georgia said rising her voice. Leah was now in her bed looking at me concerned as she red her book.
"No! G I'm sorry!"
"We'll talk tomorrow, Alex." Georgia said before hanging up.
"Fuck!" I let out frustrated. I felt Leah's eyes on me, this time they expressed something different, worry.
"I know you probably don't want to talk about what happened, but I'm here if you want to." She said softly. I shook my head, looking through the window. Tears streaming down my face, until I felt Leah sitting next to me.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Leah said looking at the rainy Barcelona.
"It's the perfect nightscape for a night of chaos." I say hearing a thunder.
"It's still beautiful though." Leah sighed enjoying the sound of rain drops.
"The beauty of chaos." I felt Leah squeezing my hand, and I instantly looked at her.
"Will you ever tell me what happened?" She asked and I shrugged.
"You will have to one day." She stroked my hand with her thumb.
"My dad." I said bluntly making Leah confuse and stay in silence. After a couple of seconds, I felt her tense.
"Alex?" She asked worried, looking at me concerned.
"He didn't do this, did he?" She asked with her voice trembling. I stayed in silence, trying to figure out what should I say, making the rain audible as the room was all silent.
"Not at all. Jeremiah, he works for my dad." I said dearing to look at her.
"I'm sorry." Leah said before embracing me in a hug. A hug, that felt like home. Yes, like home. Like Manchester. Like when Lucy snuggled with me in the sofa, Keira piggybacked me after winning our matches, or Georgia and I stealing biscuits at Keira's place.
"You should rest." The blonde said before standing up and going to the bathroom to put on her pyjamas and brush her teeth.
"Yeah, right." I say before putting on my pyjamas while Leah was in the bathroom.

I was woken up by someone talking to me.
"Alex, wake up." She said before I opened my eyes. Leah was sitting in my bed, a glass of water in her hand.
"Come on, we're going around the city with the team." Leah handed me the glass of water as I sat and nodded. An awkward silence filled the room for an instant, until I decided to talk.
"Leah, about yesterday... I'm sorry." I said taking my shirt off to clean my wounds in the bathroom.
"You should ask for help." Leah answered standing up and following me.
"That's not going to happen, Leah. I'm sorry." I told her sternly. The blonde shook her head, still without knowing what was going on.
"Why though? He deserves to be arrested, don't you think?" Leah said carefully, knowing this could affect me in one way.
"I guess." I spoke above a whisper as I disinfected the slashes in my stomach and my back.

Omniscient Narrator:

"I guess." Alex said above a whisper while she disinfected her injuries.
"Sorry. I didn't want it to sound like that." Leah regretted her words, combing her fingers through her hair as she sighed.
"You know?" The brunette started putting a gauze in each injury, as Leah listened carefully.
"Even after everything my family and I has been through, I..." Alex tried to find the words to say it without sounding like a psycho.
"I care about them." She washed her hands, Leah was leaning in the doorframe of the bathroom, watching and listening carefully.
"They're my family. I can't do anything about it." She made a pause before talking again.
"Maybe... I'm meant to be like them, fucked up."Leah watched the girl dry her hands with a towel.
Alex sighed, her hands leaning in the sink, feeling totally overwhelmed and consumed by her life.
"I can't do it. He's my dad." A tear rolled down her cheek, the same tear she had to hold during her childhood, during all her life.
Because, all of a sudden, she felt really tired. Like if the world had drained her for everything that she had.

Author's Note:

World Cup final today I'm so excited! I hope you liked this chapter, I'll update very soon! Let me know what you think in the comments, or if you have any suggestions! Leave your vote to let me know if you're liking this story! See you soon ;)

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