13. I don't want to go 'home', I want to go home.

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Omniscient Narrator:

Alex heard her phone going off, she picked up anxiously.

"Hey there." Leah spoke on the phone.

"Hey, what's up?" Alex asked confused, as Leah would pick her up in one hour.

"You didn't send me your direction, I don't know where you live..." Leah said chuckling, making Alex realise.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry. Hold on I'm sending it at the moment." Alex said sending Leah her location.

"Perfect!" The blonde said through the phone as soon as she received the notification.

"See you in one hour, bye!" Alex hung up.

Alex's Point Of View:

Someone started knocking my door, making me jump as I watched the breaking news of the emirates and the awful situation that was going on.
I stood up from the sofa, as I was laying on it, and went to open the door. As soon as I opened the door, I saw a beautiful blonde leaning against the doorframe.

"Hi." She said grinning. Her hands were in her pocket, her hair was messy, tied up in a bun. She was wearing a blue oversized hoodie and blue bottoms. She honestly looked good, like very very damn good.

"Hey, want to come in?" I said brushing off all the thoughts that ran through my mind.

"Of course!" Leah said stepping inside my house. I showed her a little bit around, the rooms, the huge garden, the pool...

"This room is almost empty. Aren't you going to use it?" Leah asked pacing around the empty room.

"I do use it." I say.

"For what?" Leah asked confused, as there only was one table, a couple of drawers and a guitar stand.

"Uhh... Well, to do some stuff, when I'm bore-" I was cut by Leah, that opened a drawer with papers inside.

"Woah, what is this?" Leah asked furrowing while reading the papers.

"Don't!" I said trying to get them back, but Leah kept turning around so I couldn't reach them.

"I have no words, honestly." Leah said finally handing me the paper and leaving it in the table. I remained silent, without saying a word, awkwardly.

"You did this by yourself?" She asked as she walked to me.

"Yeah." I mumbled playing with my hands.

"That's... Amazing! Hopefully one day you will do one for me." She says winking. I blush.

"We should get going, don't you think?" I asked walking out of the room.

"Yeah!" She looked the room one last time before heading to the living room with me, where I was unplugging my phone from the charger.

"Ready to go?" She asked heading to the door. I nodded.

We knocked Katie's door and we were received by Beth, who smiled widely as soon she saw us standing outside.

"Allie!" She said hugging me tightly, before leaving a kiss in the crown of my head. Georgia. I thought.

"Hello to you too!" Leah said laughing as she saw the heart melting scene. Beth laughed before wrapping her in a hug.
We headed inside, where some of the girls were sitting in the sofa.

"Allie!" Katie yelled before running to me across the living room of her house to hug me and lift me from the floor.

"I can't breathe, Katie." I said as she was hugging me tight. She laughed in response, now rubbing my back softly in the hug.

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