23. Fairground

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Omniscient Narrator:

Leah and Alex had spent almost all their day together at that point.

"I'm so bored." Leah said, she was laying in the sofa, and Alex was laying in a big bean bag. They were at Leah's due to the weather.

"I'm so bored too, but look, it stopped raining." Alex pointed at the window, where now, a beautiful sky of stars and the moon was shown in the sky.

"Wanna do something? Out?" Leah asked, walking to the window to watch the beautiful landscape.

"Leah, it's literally 8pm..." Alex laughed, but Leah shook her head and started walking to the coat hanger that was near the door of her house.

"Grab your things, we're leaving!" She said starting to open the door. Alex rolled her eyes and made her way to the coat hanger jogging.

"Wait for me, Leah!

"Are we there yet?" Alex asked as she tapped her fingers against her lap. Leah sighed and laughed.

"No, can you be patient? Please?" Leah said while she changed the gear of the car.

"Well, at least you could tell me where are we going so I don't think you want to kidnap me or something!" Alex threw her arms to the air.

"But Alex, it's a surprise..."


"Nothing!" Leah rolled her eyes complaining.

As the evening descended upon London, the rain had finally relented, leaving behind glistening streets and a damp, refreshed city. Leah and Alex, wrapped in warm, dry clothes, found themselves in Leah's car, heading toward a surprise that Leah had carefully planned. The anticipation in the air was palpable, their smiles reflecting the newfound warmth in their hearts.
The car pulled up to a vibrant fairground, illuminated by a dazzling array of lights. It was a sight to behold, with a towering ferris wheel that seemed to touch the sky, food trucks offering tantalizing aromas, and fairground games beckoning with the promise of prizes and laughter. What made it even more magical was the fact that the place was sparsely populated, as if it had been reserved just for them.
Leah parked the car, and they stepped out into the enchanting atmosphere. The fairgrounds came alive with the flicker of lights and the distant hum of laughter. Leah turned to Alex, her blue eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Surprise, Alex," Leah said with a grin. "I thought we could use a little fun and magic tonight."

Alex's face lit up, her eyes dancing with delight. "Leah, this is amazing! Thank you." Hand in hand, they ventured into the heart of the fair, their laughter mingling with the joyful cacophony of the place. Alex's gaze lingered on a fairground game where a giant stuffed bear was the coveted prize. She couldn't resist a longing look.
Leah followed Alex's gaze and grinned mischievously.

"You want that bear, don't you?"

Alex nodded, her cheeks slightly flushed. "I've always wanted one from one of these games, but I've never won."
Leah's determination kicked in, and she approached the game booth with a smile. "Well then, it's your lucky night."
With unwavering focus, Leah took aim and expertly tossed the hoop, winning the bear on her first try. She turned to Alex, triumphant, and handed her the fluffy prize. Alex's eyes sparkled with joy as she embraced the bear, a tangible symbol of their special evening.
They spent hours at the fair, indulging in cotton candy, riding the ferris wheel, and playing fairground games. Their laughter filled the air, their smiles were as bright as the lights around them, and their hearts felt light and carefree.
As the night deepened, they found a quiet spot beneath the twinkling lights of the fair, away from the bustling crowds. Alex snuggled closer to Leah, her bear safely nestled between them. The evening had been a beautiful whirlwind of emotions, and now, in this moment of tranquility, their connection felt deeper than ever.
Leah whispered, her voice filled with tenderness,

"Alex, I want you to know how much you mean to me. This evening, these moments, they're just the beginning of the happiness I want to share with you."

Alex turned to Leah, her eyes shimmering with emotion.
"Leah, you've already given me so much. I feel like the luckiest person in the world right now."
Underneath the starlit sky, amidst the lights and laughter of the fair, they sealed their beautiful evening with a shared promise. They were more than friends; they were kindred spirits, navigating life's wonders together, finding joy in the simplest of moments, and discovering that love had a way of making every night feel like a fairytale.

Author's note:

Just to let you guys know, something bad is about to happen... Leave your vote and suggestions! :)

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