22. Beautiful but horrible at the same time

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Omniscient Narrator:

"Alex! Haven't seen you in a while! How are you?" Emilio smiled while he prepared a coffee for a man that sat in a little table reading a book.

"Yeah, been busy recently!" The café was almost empty, it was comfortably warm inside.

"I see you brought someone new today! It's nice to meet you, I'm Emilio." The man smiled warmly to Leah, who smiled back.

"I'm Leah, it's nice to meet you too!"

Emilio smiled, and prepared hot chocolate for them. Leah and Alex sat in a table, near a big window.
Eventually, Emilio showed up with two hot chocolate cups, Alex had ordered hers with marshmallows on top, which seemed funny to Leah. Alex took a sip, while Leah had the warm cup in her hands, looking at the girl with some kind of concern.
After taking some long sips of her hot drink, Alex sighed and made herself comfortable in the padded chair.

"Are we just going to keep quiet? Because I think we have a lot to talk about." Leah said confidently, making Alex look at her with her eyes widened.
The brunette smiled, and shook her head. She opened her mouth to talk but words didn't come out, making herself sigh.

"Life has been... Hectic, lately. Ya' know." She put a marshmallow in her mouth without breaking eye contact with Leah. There was something about her eyes that fascinated her, she didn't know what though, yet.

"Alright, so..." Leah started and paused for a moment. She looked around, as if she was looking for someone that was spying her, or listening to them. She looked back at Alex and sighed.

"Are we not talking about... Your dad?" Alex looked at her with her eyes even more open. She had suddenly stopped chewing the marshmallow that was in her mouth. Leah brought her drink to her mouth while waiting for the girl's answer. After some seconds, Alex broke the eye contact with the blonde and took a sip of her drink, meditating her answer.
Leah was sick of waiting, so she tried to bring the conversation back.

"Seriously why would he literally stab you!" Leah started rambling, shaking her head a little bit.

"Well, it wasn't exactly him, but you kno-." Alex covered Leah's mouth in a very quick movement and looked around. Leah looked at her confused, she furrowed. When Alex uncovered her mouth, Leah was about to talk again but Alex pressed her index finger against her lips, making Leah slightly blush.
Alex brought her face close to the blonde's and whispered.

"They can hear us." Leah's blue eyes widened and she started looking around without discretion. Alex rolled her eyes.

"Leah, stop it! You're making it way worse!" She complained quietly.

"Oh, so you're saying we're being spy-." Alex stared at Leah sternly with an advertising look, and Leah shut her mouth. The brunette searched her phone in her pocket. Leah was in utter confusion. Alex started searching something on her phone, she scrolled through her contacts in her DM.
She lifted her head from the phone to look at Leah, who still had a face that expressed pure fear.

"Are you okay hun? You look a little bit pale." She said as she kept searching on her phone.


"Aha, got it! Look!" Alex passed her phone to Leah, who placed in her hands and started scrolling through the chats of a contact.

"This is not good, Alex."

Leah's point of view:

"This is not good, Alex." I told her as I scrolled through the messages and chats or the contact. It was an unknown number, but Alex had added it as "son of a bitch". The chat was plenty of photos of Alex. In her house, in the cafe in which we were sitting, in the streets of London, in a pub dancing with a girl. But there was one that made me jump of my seat slightly, that made my heart stop. Me and Alex sitting in the grass this morning. It was a beautiful photo, but in a horrible context. All the pictures were taken from a reasonable distance and with a camera that had a good zoom.

"This is... Horrible! You have to report it, we have to go to the police!" I left the phone on the table with the screen facing down, I didn't want to see that creepy pictures.

"Yeah, this motherfucker keeps sending me pictures every day. I can't report it, but I'll find a solution."

"What?! No, no, no, no! Are you even hearing what you're saying?! You have to!"

"No, Leah. I can't, you don't understand it." She said, making me slightly furious.

"Understand what, Alex?!"

"They threatened me, Leah."

Author's Note:

Leave your vote and suggestions! Thanks everyone for reading, almost 10k reads! Love ya guys ;)

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