27. (Un)danceable?

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Omniscient Narrator:

"I think I could stay here forever." Leah chuckled, snuggled in Alex's arms. The brunette smiled, staring at Leah's blue eyes. She stroked Leah's blonde hair slowly, feeling the emptiness slowly being replaced with warmth and company.

Since what happened previously with the two girls, neither of them dared to make the first step again. Both of them craved each others touch, but they were scared to rush things and ruin the connection they had.

After a long chat about the next match, which Alex was extremely nervous about, they decided to start making dinner. They searched the recipe of the pizza dough, and searched the ingredients.

"I can't find the flour, it's not here." Leah complained, Alex, who was cleaning her hands in the sink, said. "Let me take a look." She dried her hands with a cloth that was on the counter. Leah watched her with a look of 'see, I told you that it's not there', but Alex extended her hand to grab something that was on the corner of the kitchen cupboard.

"See, it's here." Alex shook her head and gave Leah the bag of flour. Leah almost dropped it, she still didn't understand how did she find it. "I-I swear, I hadn't seen it!"

"Anyways, you blindass..." She joked, shaking her head, grinning at Leah.

Leah and Alex sat at the dinner table in Alex's cozy living room, savoring slices of homemade pizza. They had been chatting and sharing stories, their laughter filling the room as they enjoyed their meal.

The mood shifted as a familiar tune filled the air, a song that held a special place in Leah's heart. She couldn't help but smile. "Oh, I love this song!" Leah said before taking a bite of her pizza.

Alex frowned, feigning a look of disbelief, she shook her head. "Seriously? This song is... Awful! It's not even danceable!" Leah raised an eyebrow at this, a mischievous glint in her blue eyes, which for Alex, looked like the peaceful ocean. "Oh really? Care to prove it, Allie?" Leah said emphasising her name.

With a playful grin, the blonde stood up from her chair and extended her hand to Alex, who didn't hesitate at all.

At first, it was all fun, they moved around the living room, making exaggerated dance moves, laughing and teasing.

Their lighthearted banter continued, with Alex spinning around and trying her best to imitate Leah's comical moves. As the song progressed, something shifted.

Leah, still smiling like a kid, locked her eyes with Alex's brown ones as they danced holding each other. Their movements slowed, their laughter softened. It was no longer a comical dance, it was a moment shared by two people who were deeply connected.

Their foreheads gently touched, their laugh faded into a warm and quiet closeness. The room seemed to shrink, as if it was just the two of them in that world.

"Maybe it's not that awful after all." Alex stared at Leah's blue eyes, getting lost in them. She drowned in the middle of the ocean of her eyes.

"I told you." She said above a whisper, cupping her cheek with her hands. At this point, Alex was mesmerised by the blonde's blue eyes, which had sunk her like an anchor into the depths of the deepest, bluest ocean that could exist.

Leah started to lean, her hands didn't move from the girl's face, but before she could brush her lips with hers, she moved her head to one side quickly and gave her a delicate kiss on the cheek. "Tease." Alex groaned, earning a chuckle from Leah, who had now wrapped her arms around her neck to place a kiss on her temple.

"I don't want to rush things, Allie. I want this to be perfect." Leah said, holding tightly on the girl, who seemed to find comfort in the blonde's arms.

"It's alright, but just for you to know, everything has been perfect since that day in Barcelona, that night." Leah felt a stab in her heart. The memory of the moment made her feel goosebumps, it made her heart flinch. Her arsenal tracksuit had turned red stained because of the blood. She remembered the girl pressing her wound in the stomach. The words of regret under the rain. The 'I don't hate you, Leah'.

" I didn't like that, though. You scared me!" Leah said, drawing patterns in the girl's back with her fingers. "I'd hurt myself a million times just to protect you."

Author's Note:

I know this is short, and I'm sorry. Leave your vote and suggestions! Love you all ;)

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