20. With My Entire Heart

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Omniscient Narrator:

"Alex?" Leah's voice echoed inside the room. She was wearing a black hoodie, arsenal shorts, her clothes were completely soaking wet.
Alex was shocked, she didn't expect her being there, after what happened with her, the relationship with the girl began being awkward.

4 days before:

"Allie, are you okay?" Katie asked as Alex sat in the changing rooms after leaving her phone in the locker.
"Uh, yeah I'm alright." Alex answered without looking at Katie, and staring at the floor with a blank expression. Katie stood next to Alex, who still seemed to be lost in her thoughts.
The door of the quiet room in which Alex and Katie were flung open.
"Fucking sake." Leah made her way to her locker angrily, but before she could get there, her eyes met with Alex's. She froze for a moment, her lips split apart. The blonde quickly picked her bag from her locker and left walking quickly without saying a word. After hearing the door closing, Alex buried her head in her hands and sighed.
"Katie, how do I know if I love someone?" Her voice was trembling, she bit her lip while waiting for Katie's answer. There was a long silence, a silent tear rolled down Alex's cheek. Katie finally answered.
"You would give everything up for her, don't you?" Katie asked above a whisper, sitting next to Alex.
"Yeah, but I guess she wouldn't." Alex said quietly, her voice was fragile.

Leah's Point Of View:

Jordan complaining under her breath was a noise that was starting to bother me.
"Jordan for fuck sake, can you stop rambling?" My patience was slowly running out. She rolled her eyes and threw herself to the sofa.
"No, because I'm actually serious. Stop being immature!" I started making my way to her angrily.
"I'm not immature, because I'm not the one who cheated, I'm not the one who fucking cheated with a teammate!" She told me coldly as she turned on the tv.
"We were on a break!" I spat out with anger. She laughed sarcastically.
"What are you laughing at?" My anxiety was starting to grow wider and wider. She shook her head before talking again.
"Why do you act as if you love her? You literally broke her, and now you think you 'love her'?" Jordan said as if it was some kind of joke.
"I do, Jordan. I think I love her."
"Oh, do you, now?" She said laughing slightly. My eyes began to water, a lump in my throat. If only she knew.
"I love her with my entire heart."

After finishing things with Jordan, I walked out of her flat and started making my way to my car. It was raining heavily, and as soon as I got in my car I realised how wet I was. Frustration was a small part of the things I was feeling in that moment.
I felt sad, anxious, scared, frustrated... I also felt a bad person, because I broke someone's heart. I broke someone's heart, because I thought that I couldn't be enough for someone that struggled, so I thought that things with Jordan were easier. But the truth was, did I still have love for Jordan? Was I in love with her? The answer was simple, it was no. As much as I got angry with Jordan, I still loved her. I loved Jordan, yes. But I wasn't in love with her.
And yes, it was early. It was so early to use the words 'be in love with', but the truth was that Alex is kind of person... That kind of person that people call 'once in a lifetime person.' It had only been less than a month, and despite some disagreements with her at the beginning, I discovered who she really was. I discovered that she wasn't the needy, ambitious and the girl that needed everyone's attention the 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Her soul was so pure, her laugh was like music to my ears.
As raindrops raced down the windshield of my car, I couldn't help but feel the heavy storm inside my chest. The same storm that I felt after telling Alex that our kiss meant nothing. I had told myself it meant nothing, but I couldn't deny the truth any longer. The truth was that I was in love with her.
Her name echoed in my mind like a soothing melody, and my heart ached with a longing I couldn't ignore. I thought about her brown eyes, so deep and warm, like a cozy fire on a cold winter night. Her brown hair, soft and inviting, always falling in just the right way to frame her face.
But it wasn't just her physical beauty that captivated me. It was the way she saw the world, the way she found beauty in the smallest things. I loved how she was passionate about watching sunsets, the stars, and even the rainy days like this one. It was as if she saw magic in the ordinary, and I couldn't help but be drawn to her enchanting perspective.
But with this love came pain, and it was tearing me apart. I hated seeing her cry, and every tear she shed felt like a dagger in my heart. I knew I had caused her pain with my indecision, with my refusal to accept my feelings. I bled inside, and it was a pain I couldn't bear any longer.
As lightning streaked across the darkened sky, I knew I had to confront the truth. I had to face my feelings for Alex, no matter how terrifying it seemed. The storm within me matched the storm outside, and I couldn't keep running from it. My heart whispered her name, and I knew it was time to make things right, to let love guide me, even through the rain and lightning.

When I arrived to the facilities it was already 10 am, but we had the day off so there was no one in there, or that was what I thought. Walking through the endless corridor, my hair was soaking wet, my clothes too. I didn't know were I was going, until I heard a loud noise that mixed with the sound of the rain. But it wasn't a thunder, it was a noise that came from the gym. I started making my way to the gym, picking up my pace. There was barely people in the facilities, and it made me slightly jumpy the fact of hearing a loud noise coming from a room that only players are supposed to use. I opened the door, and from that moment, my heart felt like it had been stabbed. Alex was sank to her knees, she looked devastated. Tears steamed down her face, making my heart ache.
"Alex?" I asked, trying to make my voice sound as if it wasn't breaking. She looked at me, her eyes reflected pain. She opened her mouth, trying to say something, but it seemed she couldn't.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to sound strong and confident, but I was truly hurting from the inside. She shook her head and sniffed, sitting down so she wasn't on her knees.
"I could ask you the same question." She didn't look at me anymore, now, she had sit on the cold floor of the gym facing the big glass wall that showed the training pitch, that was now decorated with a grey sky and dark clouds.
I didn't know what to answer, so I kept quiet, waiting her to say something, she didn't say anything thought. She stood up abruptly and walked out the gym without saying a word. I sighed, I fucked up.

Author's Note:

Short chapter, but I'll update very soon! Leave your vote and suggestions, also, don't forget to follow me to receive updates from my other stories ;)

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