25. Whispers Of Forever

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Omniscient Narrator:

Alex R: Wanna come around? I'm eating homemade pizza tonight. :)

Leah paced around her room, she had just read the girl's text. The fact, was that she was already thinking about her before receiving the message. She was thinking about everything that Alex could be hiding. Her parents, her family in general, and her childhood. It made Leah feel goosebumps.

While pacing around, she tripped with a bag that was on the floor. It was Jordan's, who had left Leah's apartment over two weeks ago by then.
"For fuck sake!" Leah kicked the bag with her feet to place it under her bed, where it would stay invisible, or at least for a while.

Leah looked at the text again, she sighed and started answering with braveness.

Leah: Sounds perfect! I'll be around by 7 ish.

As soon as she sent the text she turned her phone off and threw it to her bed, huffing.

As Alex eagerly awaited Leah's arrival, the anticipation of her new piano's delivery had been building for over a week. Its arrival had come at a substantial cost, more than 20,000€, but for her, it was worth every penny. She had always possessed a deep love for music, and this grand piano was the manifestation of her musical passion.

When the piano finally arrived, it was an awe-inspiring sight. The glossy black finish glistened under the soft ambient light in her living room. Each key, pristine and untouched, seemed to beckon her closer. With great care, she brushed her fingertips over the keys, almost in reverence, as if to establish a connection with this magnificent instrument.

After the piano was set up, she ventured to a drawer in her living room. It held a treasure trove of papers, a testament to her life. As she carefully sorted through the stack of papers, memories rushed back to her. Each song was a journey, a melody that encapsulated a moment or an emotion, each with its own story.

She took her time, searching for the specific sheet she had in mind. It was a piano composition, and she remembered writing it for her uncle Monty, the one truly good person in her tumultuous family. The anticipation for this particular piece was evident, but the story of her songwriting had remained a subtle undercurrent in the narrative until now.

At last, she found the sheet of music, the notes scrawled across the paper, a living testimony to her love for her uncle. The notation was sparse, yet the majority of the song was already written. It was a piece that had been years in the making, composed in stolen moments of reflection and yearning for the love she had lost.

With gentle hands, she placed the paper on the piano's music stand and settled onto the bench. Her fingers grazed the untouched keys, the sensation sending shivers down her spine. This moment, this dedication to her uncle, was something she had waited for.

As she closed her eyes and began to play, the emotions she had harbored for so long began to flow through her fingertips. The piano, a magnificent instrument that had found its way into her heart, echoed the depths of her feelings. Tears welled up in her eyes as the notes came to life, each one a vessel for her affection, her sorrow, her yearning.

It was in this private moment, amidst the grandeur of her piano, that Alex allowed herself to be consumed by her emotions. She missed her uncle, more than words could ever convey. The piano, with its resonating melody, became her voice and her vessel to share her profound emotions with the world. The room was filled with the bittersweet beauty of her composition, a tribute to the one person who had touched her heart in ways no one else ever had.

Whispers Of Forever (je te laisserai des mots-Patrick Watson, you can listen to it on Spotify, trust me, it's good)

I'll leave you words, a silent whisper,
In the quiet spaces where we used to linger,
Each line a piece of my heart's secret rhyme,
A love that endures the test of time.

In the stillness of night, I'll send my song,
With echoes of a love that's deep and strong,
These words I leave will forever be,
A testament to the love between you and me.

Though miles may part our hands and days grow old,
These words shall remain, a story untold,
In every letter, a promise to be near,
For in my heart, your love will always appear.

As I whisper these words, like a soft refrain,
Know in your heart, our love will sustain,
With each written line, a piece of my soul,
A love eternal, making us whole.

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