35. Room 201

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Alex's point of view:

In the dim glow of my study room, the numbers and letters danced before my eyes as the hidden message unraveled. "Inter Continental London Park Lane," I whispered to myself, realizing the coded mystery concealed the coordinates of a luxury hotel in London. A spark of excitement surged within me as I hastily decided to follow the trail.

Leaving Leah peacefully slumbering in my bed, I scribbled a quick note on a piece of paper and placed it gently on the small table by her side. The room felt silent, and I wondered how she'd react when she woke up.

Racing through the night in my car, the city lights blurred into streaks as I followed the GPS guiding me to the opulent hotel.

Upon arrival, a uniformed man approached, offering to park my car. Politeness won out, and I handed him a tip before entering the lavish establishment.

As I walked through a long corridor plenty of rooms, a text from an unknown number sent a shiver down my spine: "Room 201." The atmosphere heightened with an air of mystery, and my steps quickened as I approached the room.

To my surprise, the door was slightly ajar. An unsettling feeling gnawed at my excitement as I cautiously entered.

As I closed the door, I suddenly felt a strong arm wrapped around my neck, and a cold blade pressed against my skin.

Panic surged as a voice, filled with menace, sliced through the silence. "Do not move, or I swear to god that I'll fucking slit your throat."

The room seemed to close in around me, and my breath caught in my throat. I strained to see the face behind the threat, but darkness shielded the identity of my assailant.

Amidst the tension that gripped the room, my voice wavered but determination held firm.

"Chiara, I know it's you. I always knew," I declared, the revelation hanging in the air like an unspoken truth.

Chiara's laughter cut through the darkness, sarcastic and chilling. "You know who I am?" she retorted, incredulity laced in her words.

"Bonnetti's daughter," I affirmed, a chill running down my spine as the weight of those words hung between us. The room seemed to tighten around us, the silence amplifying the gravity of our shared history.

The revelation shocked Chiara, her grip tightening, the threat of the knife more palpable. "That doesn't matter now, Alex," she dismissed with an eerie calmness, the blade gliding over my throat but without drawing blood.

In that moment, the intricacies of our tangled past played out in the shadows, a dance of secrecy and danger that had unfolded since the very first encounter in that dimly lit bar.

"What do you want? Oh no, sorry. What does Bonnetti want?" I asked trying to think how to release from her grip.

The girl laughed sarcastically, I could feel the knife moving a bit. "You."

Leah's point of view:

As I tossed and turned over the sheets, beginning to wake up, I heard the sound of the front door closing.

I turned on the small lamp on the bedside table and scanned my surroundings without being able to notice Alex.

It didn't take me long to find a note on the bedside table next to the lamp. It was a green post-it where Alex had supposedly left a note.

'I'm going on an errand, I probably won't be there if you wake up in the early hours of the morning.
With love, your Alex <3.'

Seconds later, assimilating that Alex had gone on an errand at literally 2am, I heard footsteps downstairs.

There was complete silence after that, so, in panic, I silently turned off the light and decided to shut my eyes to sleep.

Obviously, it didn't work, as I was absolutely terrified. Not long after, the door creaked and I could feel someone's presence.

Shutting my eyes completely, I tried not to look, until I felt a hand touching my cheek gently. That's when I knew it was her. "Alex?" I asked, I got a quiet yes as an answer.

I sat leaning my back on a cushion and turned on the little lamp. "Where have you been?" She had a slit in her brow and blood in her lip, which made me cup her face with my hands instantly.

She smiled warmly, without answering my question. "It's late, we're going to sleep, okay?"

I was too tired to push her, so I just covered myself with the warm layers of blankets and covers.

I tried to sleep, I really did. But a question raced through my mind repeatedly; where did Alex go? And most importantly? Why was she bleeding?

Author's note:

Were you guys expecting this?

Who is Bonnetti?

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