Blamione (Non-canon)

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Who's in the room: me, Ron, Harry, Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Neville, Theo, Luna, Fred, George, Hermione, Dean, Seamus.


*everyone looks around*

Ron: Where are we?

Me: You are in the RoR.

Hermione: already said that...

Me:  You are going to tell me your opinion on some ships.

Ron: we're reacting to boats?

Hermione: it's a muggle term, it's basically like a relationSHIP and a combination of the two peoples names like this one, NALISH.

Draco: Nope, I'm leaving. *walks out but get teleported back in* What the hell!

Me: You really thought I was going to make it easy to leave? No.

Harry: How did we get here though?

Luna: I followed the nargles.

Me: we don't talk about how you got here...


Harry: wait what?!

Me: Anyways, the first ship is...BLAMIONE.

Ron: Who's that?

Ginny: why is no one freaking out???

Me: *facepalms* It's Hermione and Blaise you doofus.

Hermione and Blaise: WHAT

Me: yep. I don't like it either.

Draco: can I leave this is weird.

Me: no, or Ginny can use her Bat Bogy hex on you.

Ginny: really?!

Twins: no fair!

Me: fine you all can!

Draco: oh hell no

Me: ok now that's taken care of...sink or ship?

Silver Trio, Golden Trio, Theo, Ginny, Dean, Seamus, Neville: SINK!

Me: yeah that's a sink.

Luna: I think it could work out nicely. So ship.

Twins: We just want to see chaos! Ship!

Me: ok! Only 2 ships...this ship has been sunk.

(Only photo I could find)

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(Only photo I could find)

Blaise: *gags* I'm going to be sick

Draco: ha! Stuck with a Gryffindork

Me: I always thought it's ironic that you call them dorks when your so obsessed with your grades

Ron: *laughing* true!

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