Lavon (canon)

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A/N this was a ship I was supposed to do before I switched the wheel but I just didn't so here it is. That also means Sirius and Remus aren't here cuz it was before the wheel switch.

Me: honestly I'm surprised Ron even pulled this bitch

Ron: me again?

Harry: you got tough luck mate

Me: hermione hates her and I do to

Hermione: Merlin not her

Me: sadly yes *snaps and lavender appears*


Ron: oh her *dodges the kiss lavender tries to give him*

Me: yeah no *snaps and she falls down a hole that appears* she won't be back...ever

Ron: thank Merlin

Hermione: can we just vote already

Draco: what's up with her


*insert emotional damage sound*

Draco: *cries*

Me: meh whatever I sink

Everyone: sink

Slytherins (except Draco who's still crying): ship

Me: *to Slytherin* bitch

Pansy: that's what you get for making Draco cry

Blaise: yeah! I already told you he's sensitive

Me: meh I ain't in the mood since I hate this ship so MEH. Just vote SINK

Everyone: sink

Me: good choice *cracks knuckles*

Me: *throws up* ew I hate it *takes it down*

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Me: *throws up* ew I hate it *takes it down*

Draco: I didn't get to see it!

Me: to bad we're moving on!

A/N can you tell I don't like this ship?

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